
A typical question asked around this time would be about one's resolutions. Unfortunately, I haven't had the chance to look back and take stock.

I have never made resolutions. Or, if I made some, I must have forgotten them halfway to achieving them. I am not sure what is so special with making resolutions at the beginning of the year. Is it because it is a "new start"?

But then it is quite arbitrary. We could have started on the new year using some other calendar, say the lunar calendar.

Perhaps resolutions implicitly point to our need to do something with our lives? I wonder if the need to do something is a good way to live one's life. Many people do things they don't critically understand. They could do something while mouth-breathing their way through life. They could still be dead spiritually.

So maybe resolving to do nothing at well-defined segments of a daily life could be a good thing. Doing nothing does not mean meditation. Like really, just do nothing. Don't even engage in thought or another person or some idea flashing before you.

Maybe that kind of self-imposed void can help give perspective. So, I will try to give 5 minutes of my 24 hour day to do nothing (while awake). I will write more on the experience in the next few days. So, now I have implicitly created a resolution.

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