A reply from the IRCC!

I tried to make my phone's alarm only vibration and not noises. I am not sure what good difference it makes but whatever. I did wake up from the alarm but I thought I was finally awake so I took it off snooze. That was a mistake as I only woke up to a phone call one hour later from my mom telling me to get ready because we were going to Costco. We went to Costco and I saw the hydro flask water bottle. I am not sure whether to get this or get one of those bigger water jugs for the gym. But I left it anyway because it was expensive. We returned home and then I went with my uncle directly to Friday prayer. After the prayer, I saw James who joined Islam about 2 months ago. I greeted him for a little bit then left to go home. On the way back my uncle got me one of the iced coffee latte things which was nice of him. After returning home I did some gamer time with my Saudi Arabian friends. Mid-gaming my mother called me to deliver some fruit salad only to him which is a nice gesture as well. I returned and continued gaming with my friends until they slept and I am now gaming alone. We also got the news of the ID from the IRCC! We finally have some sort of ID that we will use to get a driver's license and apply for the gym and stuff.
I would like to note that yesterday's night prayers, were the first time I prayed to Allah to fasten the ID situation. It is really cool that my prayers were answered literally the next day! I only realized this while praying tonight's night prayers! I think this will get me closer to Allah and make me pray more with humility. Alhamdullilah.
I also opened my mouse today to fix my scroll click which surprisingly went well.
For some reason, I feel my heart racing that night and my mind is fuzzy. I think this also happened yesterday. I'll try to drink or eat something and hope it goes away.

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