Another day in life
Not much happened today. Woke up and made a bagel, we then went to an appointment at the bank. We finally activated our cards so I officially have a working debit card. I should rework my journal formula. I only wrote 3 sentences and I am out of what to say. Knowing myself I would not do that soon though. I prayed 7 rakahs for tahajud. I guess I do not have a lot to report, Ill be picking up the bike tomorrow I think. ...
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Sep 27
Today I woke up as my brothers left for school. Finally, I had a bagel for breakfast for the first time in a while. Time went by as I played a bit, and then we went to where they gave out snowsuits. We did not know that it is for ages less than 15. My mother and I did not get them so we will have to buy them from Walmart or something else. When we went back my uncle invited us to McDonalds for a cold latte. We then returned home and had lunch. Shortly after my brother and I dropped the bike off ...
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Sep 26
The day started pretty well I think. I was awake when my brothers left for school. We had a meeting with our social worker and it went pretty well. We can certainly live less on the edge now. On the way back I had an interesting chat with the Uber driver. He talked a bit about my career and I got out of it that the job opportunities for operating system stuff are pretty limited so it is not the best career choice. He dropped us off at the bank because we wanted to get a credit card. Apparently, ...
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My brothers' first day of school
I woke up early today because it was the first day of school for my brothers and I went with the younger one to school for his first day. I went with him and got a little tour of the school. I got to see where his class is and I met his main teacher I think. When I returned and hung out a bit. The caseworker called my mother and she gave her all the info she needed. She decided to set a meeting with us tomorrow at 11 in her office. Afterwards I played with a friend but he was not able to talk so...
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Starting to miss my prayers
Yesterday before I slept, in my worries, I decided to see a video about tahhajud. That was before Ishaa too. While listening to it I fell asleep, unfortunately. I woke very shortly after, like 30 minutes after and I saw the video was still on. Instead of getting up to pray. The devil made me feel heavy and sluggish and made me go back to sleep. One thing I read in the video is that when people want to get up sincerely in the night and go pray tahhajud, Allah wakes them up so they can get up and ...
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For some reason, I do not feel the best today. It is something mentally and not physically. I woke up to the alarm. I made a honey sandwich, though I would have preferred a cheese bagel instead. I did not shower because I did not feel like it. As the day went on I spent more time playing games of course. Then my cousin came and picked us up to go to the mall to change some stuff about our SIM card. We ended up not doing anything but I discovered that there was a chance we would cancel my phone n...
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A tour of the local highschool
Woke up at like 0900 and then went to Friday prayer. Since bagels ran out I just made a honey sandwich. Anyway on our way back home we we picked up Mother and we went to the local high school since we had an appointment with my brother's guidance counselor. He explained the schedule and stuff and then he showed us the school in a small tour. He was really cheery. He started with the auditorium which was being used by the robotics club. That was really cool as my school's robotics club was non-ex...
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Requesting a case worker
I woke up early as well so we could go to a place responsible for getting you in touch with immigrant services. We arrived there to discover that we had to apply first and we could have done that from home. Anyways we applied and they said that our house is expensive. I am not sure what will happen exactly to the house. I hope they let us live here as it is located in a great area and is the right size for us (maybe a bit too big). They told us to wait till Monday when a case worker would reach ...
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Visiting the local highschool
Today was a normal morning. I took a shower and then went downstairs to make a bagel. (God I am falling in love with them). After some time I went to the library to print some final stuff. I did not go with the bicycle as I did not enjoy having to hold the bike one-handed for a long period of time. On my way back I saw a car parked at the high school that apparently had been pranked on. Some chocolate or something was dipped in the windows and the body of the car. It is probably a prank or one o...
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A bank account!
Woke up very early at like 8 to go to a nearby clinic since we heard it can get pretty congested. I made a bagel and then we headed out. We went there and waited until 9:30 to be told the specific medical examination we needed could not be provided at that clinic. Unfortunately, it is what it is. We decided to head to the bank to set up bank accounts since it was closed. A nice lady called Marie assisted us through all the steps. She even made my student account go up to 2030! That means I would...
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A quick sunday
I woke up at 10 to my mother going to walmart. When she came back i lifted the stuff out of the car and then headed to the library. I got myself a library card and learned how to use the computers there. I came back and played with my friend for a bit. I went to my aunts place to have a chat with my uncle and then i hanged out with my cousin. Starting tommorow the real work will begin. ...
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A start on doing stuff
I didnt get the calender reminder to wirte the journal for some reason. But my day started at like 12 because i was up to 3 am playing dark souls. I took a shower and then brought a bag of bagel from my aunts house. I then made a list of stuff to do and got some papers i wanted to print but the library was closing shortly and i wont finish in time. I am sad to know that i may need to go the normal driving license route. My 1 year of driving is probably aint enough to skip the process here. Anywa...
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A reply from the IRCC!
I tried to make my phone's alarm only vibration and not noises. I am not sure what good difference it makes but whatever. I did wake up from the alarm but I thought I was finally awake so I took it off snooze. That was a mistake as I only woke up to a phone call one hour later from my mom telling me to get ready because we were going to Costco. We went to Costco and I saw the hydro flask water bottle. I am not sure whether to get this or get one of those bigger water jugs for the gym. But I left...
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Day 10?
Woke up at ~9 after a few times of using the snooze button. I then researched a bit about dropshipping. It would be an interesting area to perhaps have some income. Today in my prayers I tried to take it a bit slow. I saw a video talking about a 5:4 rule. For each prayer action, I would repeat the words 5 times, and each 2 rak'ah prayer should take 4 minutes. Meaning I will start taking 2 minutes per rak'ah. This would hopefully make me better at praying and closer to Allah SWT. On the dropshipp...
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A slightly more productive day
Woke up pretty tired at 0845. Had to snooze a couple of times and then proceeded to lay in bed for almost 2 hours. I took a shower afterward and tried the tongue scraper for the first time. It is so disgusting how much white goo comes out of your mouth that has always been sitting there. I think I'll scrape my tongue every day at least once in the morning. Ideally, I would brush my teeth before sleep too but I am weak and not strong enough to build that into a solid routine just yet. Perhaps I'l...
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An example of what I hope wouldn't happen
Woke up pretty late at 1230. Made a sandwich. Went and played on my laptop. Lunchtime came around. Ate lunch and played some more. And here I am. This is exactly what I did not my gap year to be. Even though two of the things I want to do are somewhat dependent on getting an ID (gym and going to the French learning institution), I do not want to waste my time like I did today. I can't convince myself to stop. This is an addiction. Wasting time is really bad. I think I am supposed to write what I...
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A little bike ride
Only recently I learned that you are supposed to let a hair conditioner stay in your hair for a few minutes before washing it in a shower. So whenever I take a shower I try to do this and I did notice my hair texture getting softer. I will try to get better hair by the end of the year. I made a chicken burger as breakfast then went for a bike ride towards the gym my cousin attends. It is a little far at 4.5 kilometers. That is a bit far for me to bike to daily as it will take at least an hour ro...
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Being Social
I was able to sleep early so I finally woke up to my 0900 alarm. Today was almost fully spent in a park where all the people of my country who are living in the city were invited to parks. Attendance was 135 but I am guessing that including the people who did not attend, we are probably 200 in the city of 1.4M. I got to be friends with a couple of guys and one of them I somewhat clicked with. He is younger than me by one year so it is the first time friending someone younger than me. Well, every...
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Gym research
I am not even sure how this day got by so fast. I wake up to an alarm I set to 0900 so I can wake up at that time instead of the 1200-1300 that I usually do. I woke up very tired because I slept very late the night before. I guess in my tiredness wisdom I decided to take a small lie down so I could restore a bit of energy and BAAM. It is 3 hours later. I got up and watched some videos on my phone and then got up to take a cold shower. Cold showers are cool to restore energy but I do not feel as ...
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Getting my own room
Since our house has 3 rooms and my brother left, I now have my own room for the first time ever. It is not the first time to stay in a room alone though. For over a year, while my brother began his medical studies in my home country, I was left alone in our room. I have to say though, if you never had a room only you slept in, you are missing out. I turned off the lights whenever I wanted to and switched on or off the air conditioner to my liking and I did not worry about making noise (at least ...
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A drive to Montreal
My brother's plane just took off to go to Tanzania so he could complete his studies. I do not think I would have done the same if I was in his place but I am happy that he chose what makes him happy. I did not play or study at all today but I enjoyed this day. My cousin and I went with my brother on a 3-hour drive to Montreal so he could go to the airport. I am not sure why my father chose a plan out of Montreal and not Ottawa. My guess is since Montreal is bigger it probably offers more plane r...
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A day of doing nothing
I woke up at like 12pm and spent almost an hour in bed wasting time in bed watching stuff on my phone. I then got up and prayed fajr and took a shower. It was my 2nd time trying cold showers and I must say it is a weird experience. Your body is fighting you and trying to stop you from entering while your mind is trying its best to slowly get in. I start by only putting my limbs in cold water and then trying to get my torso slightly wet (this is the harshest part). I then get my back fully under ...
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This is day 1 of my 100-day writing challenge. I have considered starting with day 0 but I do know me and I would have kept procrastinating. It has been 79 days since my last day at school. I did not do much over the summer vacation that is of any significance at all except moving to a new country. It has been 52 days since I arrived here. I thought I was going to start today but I did not. Due to some moving problems, I could not get a study permit in time. I thought it would be a 2-week thing ...
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