An example of what I hope wouldn't happen

Woke up pretty late at 1230. Made a sandwich. Went and played on my laptop. Lunchtime came around. Ate lunch and played some more. And here I am. This is exactly what I did not my gap year to be. Even though two of the things I want to do are somewhat dependent on getting an ID (gym and going to the French learning institution), I do not want to waste my time like I did today. I can't convince myself to stop. This is an addiction. Wasting time is really bad. I think I am supposed to write what I want to change and perhaps do a step or two in it. But I am not in a clear state of mind right now. The only thing I can possibly think about doing is sleeping early. I guess that is a good thing to start with.
The only thing of note that happened was an Amazon shipment I ordered a few days ago arrived. It had 3 items. Number 1 is a tongue-cleaning set. It had 3 instruments that I do not know which to use for what case exactly. I like that they are all stainless steel. Item number 2 is one of those grip strengthners. I only bought one and not a pair because I think I have to focus on one hand to make the optimal performance. I hope I will get bigger forearms with the aid of the grip strengthened. Item number 3 is a charger for a smartwatch I have lying for years. I bought the watch in 2016 and it is called the Samsung Gear Fit (1). I am not exactly sure what I aim to do with the watch. It has just finished charging and I will try connecting it with my phone.

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