A little bike ride

Only recently I learned that you are supposed to let a hair conditioner stay in your hair for a few minutes before washing it in a shower. So whenever I take a shower I try to do this and I did notice my hair texture getting softer. I will try to get better hair by the end of the year. I made a chicken burger as breakfast then went for a bike ride towards the gym my cousin attends. It is a little far at 4.5 kilometers. That is a bit far for me to bike to daily as it will take at least an hour road trip to the gym. Plus it would probably kill any gains I make because that is too much cardio exercise. I gave up halfway and decided to have a call with my friend on my way back. After that, I played Dark Souls, which my friend bought, because it is a game I have been excited to play for a while now. My day has been really short for some reason even though I woke up at 0900. I am trying to make my alarm go off 15 minutes earlier each day so I can be more of a morning person. Ideally, I want to wake up with Fajr and Sleep with Ishaa. But that might be difficult to achieve.
I thought about many goals to do over the year but I keep forgetting about them completely. I decided to make one note and pin it so I can not forget and add stuff to it whenever I remember. Hopefully, it will help me be more on track.
Since yesterday, I had too many thoughts about girls. Like more than my usual. That is probably because of the hours I spent with those kids yesterday. I am not too sure what to do about that. Interacting with them is something my subconscious wants to do, but I know it is haram so I should stray from that. Hopefully, these feelings die down within a few days.

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