Being Social

I was able to sleep early so I finally woke up to my 0900 alarm. Today was almost fully spent in a park where all the people of my country who are living in the city were invited to parks. Attendance was 135 but I am guessing that including the people who did not attend, we are probably 200 in the city of 1.4M. I got to be friends with a couple of guys and one of them I somewhat clicked with. He is younger than me by one year so it is the first time friending someone younger than me. Well, everyone I friended was younger than me. I got everyone's socials but I did not really get to know them. Unfortunately for me, most of them are of the type of people I do not usually become friends with. They are interested in a couple of teenage things but I am worried that they will affect me as I am starting to have some thoughts I would not have otherwise. But getting your first friends is the hardest step. I can not hang with them if I do not want to. Getting your first friends is always the hardest because good friends are not something you can search for but are something you find. It was a cool day and I got to know a lot of people. I came home afterward. Ate mac'n'cheese and cereal. Went to lay in bed afterwards and here I am. I am not sure how to structure my journals going forward. So far I have not stated any future thing and everything has been of the day. I could perhaps list the things I want to do in this gap year sometime soon.

One last thing I forgot to mention is a funny scenario that happened from back to our house. I was sitting in the front seat of the Uber while looking outside at a traffic stop. A new Elantra stopped next to us and inspected the new car's model. The girl driving the car was looking at me and I then glanced over to her. She looked familiar, she was either white or Arab. I couldn't put my hand exactly where she was from. I guess we locked eyes for a couple of seconds and she was blushing and she turned her head forward. I thought I misunderstood why she was suddenly red-faced but I only got sure of what happened because she then covered her face. I kept looking at the car when she took her foot off the brakes slightly so her car could go forward a bit. She probably did that so we can not look at each other. That little scenario gave me some sort of confidence because I was not even trying to do anything. I am not sure what to take out of it.

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