A slightly more productive day

Woke up pretty tired at 0845. Had to snooze a couple of times and then proceeded to lay in bed for almost 2 hours. I took a shower afterward and tried the tongue scraper for the first time. It is so disgusting how much white goo comes out of your mouth that has always been sitting there. I think I'll scrape my tongue every day at least once in the morning. Ideally, I would brush my teeth before sleep too but I am weak and not strong enough to build that into a solid routine just yet. Perhaps I'll do that when I get an electric toothbrush. But that is something I will do when I start getting my income, which I hope is before the end of the year. After lunch, I went for a walk and long calls with my cousin and one of my friends. I walked for almost 10 kilometers! While I was on my way back I took a different route and went in front of Ahmed's house. I was looking in the direction of his car when I heard a window closing and a figure looking at me from the upstairs window. Probably someone from his household heard me talking and looked out the window. Other than that, nothing of note happened today. I'll complete this dessert I am eating and probably use the tongue scraper again and head to sleep as I am pretty tired. I have an itch inside of to play Dark Souls but thankfully I won't scratch it today.

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