My brothers' first day of school

I woke up early today because it was the first day of school for my brothers and I went with the younger one to school for his first day. I went with him and got a little tour of the school. I got to see where his class is and I met his main teacher I think. When I returned and hung out a bit. The caseworker called my mother and she gave her all the info she needed. She decided to set a meeting with us tomorrow at 11 in her office. Afterwards I played with a friend but he was not able to talk so it was mostly one-sided. After that call ended I played Rocketleague and made my placement games to be at Plat 3 Div 3. worse than what I had but I am sure I'll be able to make a comeback. I then played with some Egyptian classmates and I did not enjoy that one bit. They keep using foul language and really step over every single mistake you make. Then my two brothers came home and I got a rush of jealousy when I heard about the friends my brother made. I unfortunately won't have an opportunity like him. Perhaps it is a blessing in disguise, I would have fallen to the wrong peers and done all the teenage bullshit they do in movies. After lunch, I went to play some more and I got into a long call with my cousin which had many funny moments including getting a ban from Roblox because I was making fun of someone else. He did give me a lot of social tips like striking up a conversation about what the other person would like, for example, their car or whatever. This is the only thing I remember from the convo but I am sure I have learned a lot. I will start first by getting to know a lot of people before befriending them. I can start in the Masjed or whatever and get to know a lot of people. It is really late right now and I am getting sleep so goodbye.

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