A day of doing nothing

I woke up at like 12pm and spent almost an hour in bed wasting time in bed watching stuff on my phone. I then got up and prayed fajr and took a shower. It was my 2nd time trying cold showers and I must say it is a weird experience. Your body is fighting you and trying to stop you from entering while your mind is trying its best to slowly get in. I start by only putting my limbs in cold water and then trying to get my torso slightly wet (this is the harshest part). I then get my back fully under the streams followed by another painful part which is my stomach. I guess that area is really sensitive to cold water or something. The 2 reasons I am doing cold showers are to build discipline and get the benefits of a cold shower. One of the things I hope to have by the end of the gap year is having a lot of discipline. I usually play if I do not feel like studying, which is a big time waster. Getting disciplined will help me prioritize things when they are more important. Cold showers are a really great way to feel refreshed. Usually, after I take a hot shower I would want to lie down for some reason. Perhaps I could take one before I sleep to help me go to bed. So getting a cold shower after waking up is a thing I would like to do every day hopefully. Well after the shower I called my father and we talked for some time. After that, I made a peanut butter, cheese, and honey sandwich combo. I do know that is a weird combination but I would like to gain weight but my appetite does not help. So anything that I can convince myself to eat, I would eat. After making my sandwich I again wasted a lot of time on my phone. According to my phone analytics. I spent 2.5 hours on Reddit and 30 minutes on Instagram reels. I decided to use the time limit thing for the first time and set a time limit of 30 minutes on Reddit and 30 minutes on Instagram. I did not completely uninstall them because I do use them for other things other than doom scrolling, or at least I told myself that. But I hope limiting them would help me use them less. I spent some time studying but it was not as productive as other days because I did not fully understand what I was studying. We were visited by a family friend because my brother is leaving the country tomorrow. She brought her young son who is around the age of two younger brothers. They played behind the school that is next to us and I decided to join them. I was not good by any means at all but I am glad I left the house and did something else. I am not sure how I wasted this day and how it is 22:00 right now. I reward myself for completing the day with some playtime. I do not always play on them but I do feel relieved when that time comes. I will try to do one beneficial thing every day even if it is the smallest thing like limiting my phone time or a big thing like starting to write in my journal. I internally know that that is probably not a possible thing to do. 365 new useful things do seem a lot to do. Especially If I think about it in terms of doing 30 useful things in a single month. I am not sure how my journey will go. I'll try to list some things that I could do so I have a bank of beneficial things I plan to do.

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