【转】2020年7月12日。张文宏医生真是受欢迎,昨晚讲座zoom meeting room满员

【转】2020年7月12日。张文宏医生真是受欢迎,昨晚讲座zoom meeting room满员,1000人同时在线。张文宏医生介绍了好多大家关心的话题。我总结几个我认为的要点: 1,美国和世界的新冠疫情还处在第一波疫情中,还没有出现拐点,夏天到来也没有出现很多人期盼的缓解迹象,现在是空中加油后继续飞翔阶段。 2,现在根除新冠病毒基本不可能了,大家要做好与新冠病毒长期共存的打算。 3,在没有特效药的情况下,北京上海最近700例病人没有一例死亡。其中包括了上ECMO的病人。所以有没有特效药物对于新冠病毒的治疗不是很关键的事情。 4,假定没有有效疫苗研发出来的话,新冠病毒预计2025 年会下降甚至消失。 5,最近大家看到美国的死亡率下降不是由于病毒变异导致死亡率下降,而是 a, 医疗挤兑不存在了 b, 老人得到了有效的保护 c, 年轻人由于复工复产感染人数增加明显,基数变大了,最终可能降到1%以下 d, 医务人员治疗控制病情的水平和经验都在显著提高 6,孩子可以复学,但是要注意戴口罩,勤洗手,家里有老人的话最好能和老人隔离一下。多锻炼提高免疫力,注意孩子是否有症状,最简单的就是看血氧。低于...
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10 Specific Behaviors The Secret to Happ

Let go of the need for specific outcomes Define your own success and happiness Commit 100% to the things that make you happy Be grateful for what you already have keep a gratitude journal remember the hard and challenging things you've gone through ask yourself these three questions: i) what have I received from __ ? ii) what have I given to ___ ? iii) what troubles and difficulty have I caused? learn prayers of gratitude come to your senses use visual reminders make a personal vow to practic...
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Life doesn't owe you anything (fairness, comfort, companionship) so seek and earn what you need the most Grit and ability to remain productive and valuable in face of setbacks. But too much grit is stupid (tech world is fail quick) Know thyself and live with integrity Fight cognitive fallacies sunk cost, anchoring, risk aversion Attitude direction teamwork Bullet points into Career stories Highlight your Impact, not your Tasks Quant with Speaking skills Broad experience - exotics trader, ...
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11 Daily Items to be Happier from Scienc

Smile more Exercise for 7 minutes Sleep more Spend more time with friends and family Go outside more often Help other people Plan a trip (even if you don't take it) Meditate Move closer to work Practice gratitude Get older (naturally get happier) http://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/want-to-be-happier-science-says-do-these-11-things-every-single-day.html ...
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10 Things Smart People Don’t Do

They don’t let their past mistakes interfere with their present life They don’t concentrate on negative things They don’t run away from their problems They don’t care what other people think of them They don’t waste time Smart people don’t waste time. They develop productive habits that help them work better and faster. They don’t get distracted by meaningless things and unnecessary tasks. They also know that you cannot work all the time; your brain needs some rest once in a while. They don’t e...
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Ask “What am I grateful for”

Label those negative emotions. Give it a name and your brain isn’t so bothered by it. Decide. Go for “good enough” instead of “best decision ever made on Earth.” Hugs, hugs, hugs. Don’t text — touch. ...
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Strive for happiness

get plenty of exercise (especially with a set goal in mind) get plenty of sleep develop emotional intelligence buy experiences over material goods Punishment for children: Quick Clear Consistent ...
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