Nine: Next steps
May 20, 2019•198 words
Planted: Saturday 5/18/2019
Last Tended: Saturday 5/18/2019
Yesterday, I finished writing the text for the first two parts of the book. I am pausing on writing the other parts of the book. This will give me time to work on writing a first part that is good enough to send to agents.
I want to rearrange parts of the book that I've written so far. I think my introduction shouldn't be in poetry format and I should write a regular introduction to the topic of personal development. The book originally was going to be four parts, but if I move around some sections, it will be five parts.
The things I need to focus on now are:
- Figuring out how to use Adobe
- Creating images in Adobe
- Figuring out the typeface I want to use for the quotes
- Fact checking quotes
- Making a list of potential agents
- Contacting agents
- Getting feedback from the beta readers
- Make questions for my focus group
Goals for tomorrow
- Outline introduction for 20 minutes
- Find quotes for 10 minutes
- Find agents for 25 minutes
- Write Listed update for 5 minutes