Tuesday 12/Jan/2021... listed and logged

Random thoughts:

  • Thank God for the escapes from worrying too much about national and international political matters  provided by my hobbies, and for the steadying influence of my prayer life. It's important to be aware of things that are happening, and to make plans that are flexible enough to adapt to coming changes. But worrying too much can make a person sick,  and fear can paralyze a person, making it hard to do things that need to be done. So tonight I'm thankful for, among other things, the liberating effects and discipline provided by my hobbies and my prayer life.

Prayer, etc.:

  • 05:30 - Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
  • 13:25 - Mk 1:21-28
  • 18:45 - Fr. Chad Rippberger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity; and Archbishop Vigano's Prayer for The United States of America; and The Tuesday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum.
  • 20:00 - The Hour of Vespers according to the Traditional Catholic Breviary: Bible readings, prayers, and meditations for 12 January.
  • Tonight's Rosary before bed will be the Sorrowful Mysteries.


  • 08:00 - bowl of oatmeal w. brown sugar, 1/2 peanut butter sandwich
  • 10:30 - fresh apple chunks
  • 13:00 - bowl of rice and chicken
  • 14:30 - bowl of stew


  • 18:20 - light evening stretches

Chores, etc.:

  • 10:30 - after a good mid-morning nap, it's time to tackle a chore I've let slide for too many days: updating my note cards, paper planner, and budget book
  • 11:00 - tried phoning Drs. office again - failed to get through, just like yesterday
  • 13:00 - watch game shows
  • 17:00 - blog post published and shared
  • 18:00 - my night of NCAA basketball starts
  • 18:30 - microblog post published


  • 15:40 - moved in all CC games

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