Wednesday 20/Jan/2021... listed and logged
January 21, 2021•128 words
Random thoughts:
- Last night's massive insomnia left me pretty fatigued all day long, going to bed early. ~ 19:30, heh.
Prayers, etc.:
- 04:50 - Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
- 11:00 - Mk 3:1-6
- 10:00 - 2 breakfast tacos
- 11:10 - one little cupcake
- 13:40 - catfish
- 16:00 - egg rolls and chicken
Chores, etc.:
- 06:30 - The Art of the Snub
- 08:30 - medical procedures: liver exam, more blood work
- 10:45 - QN post p&s
- 11:00 - updating paper planner, note cards, and budget book
- 13:00 - RS post p&s
- 13:15 - load weekly pill boxes
- 13:30 - Classic Doctor Who
- 17:45 - new NCIS
- No exercise today
- 14:45 - moved in all non-ICCF games