Some (fragmented) thoughts about this week

I have an extension cord with three plugs. I have three devices that I need to charge. However, I can only use two at a time because Apple adapters are fat. Update: I can now use all three because I received a shiny new iPad Pro 13 inches or whatever because I do MITWE (wind ensemble) and we read sheet music on it. Life is good.

Last week I said it should be fine to leave rice in my rice cooker. I opened it today after a couple days. There were spots of mold. I washed that bad boy very rigorously.

There's a really good view from Killian Court. Behind the Charles, which is quite a big river, there is a beautiful collection of tall buildings. It's doubly cool at night. I walk by it once and thought about aesthetics and the meaning of beauty for me. Very often, when I get caught up in life, I forget that a main part of my personal motive is seeking beauty. That's a big part of why I do math and it's also a big part of why I do music (though the reason behind doing music is a considerable amount weaker than doing math). I should really stop and smell the roses a bit more.

I am so buying an iPad once I make big bucks (unclear whether or not this will happen). I am getting the whole paper matte screen protectors along with the fine metal tips to complete the entire look. That lineup will cost me like 1.5k but that will be small bucks compared to the big banks that I will be making when I do quant (will probably not happen).

I am writing this instead of working on my analysis pset due in a little less than 2 hours.

I was told that I'm more religious than I think. I suppose there is something deeply spiritual about what I find beautiful. My ideas align with Kant's works in aesthetics, specifically the sublime, and Kant was a very religious man. I've never really thought of myself as any semblance of religious or spiritual, but that tracks with my experiences. I've always known that organized religion was not for me, and I guess I crossed out all religion as a result. It would do me well to explore that side of me more.

"I'm not really sure what you're trying to do with number 3" Okay TA, and you still gave me full points?

I'm so creaky and old. My joints crack every hour or so. I don't get it in my fingers (I have never been able to crack my knuckles), but rather the joints connecting my limbs to my torso. They're such loud cracks too. Maybe it's a result of my consistent lack of sleep.

I have transcended feeling sleepy even though I'm getting less sleep than I usually do. The problem with sleep deprivation is that its effects are almost imperceivable. You work slower and you think worse, but you can't tell when that happens. I mean, nobody measures how fast they can do a problem. Nobody can really tell whether or not they're being rational.

As of today, I've decided that I'm going to listen to MF Doom instrumentals. I've heard that they have good instrumentals, and I can confirm that they are nice. It's fun to work with, since they're wacky and provides just the right amount of brain stimulation.

I had an Algebra and Physics test in the last week. For both, I think I would have preferred to spend more time studying for. I think I did fine, though. I'm definitely not getting an A, but I think I'll be able to pass, and that's all that matters on P/NR (note to self: write an ode to p/nr). Update: my Algebra I quiz came out and I got a 12/22. Oops. I sure hope they curve the class. If not, then that P/NR is really coming in clutch. To be fair, I believe I lost 6 points on 4 true or false questions, of which I spent at most 30 seconds on. That means I lost 4/14 on the proof portion, which is really all that matters as a mathematician. Plus I'm slow, unlike some other people in the class (oh god, I'm scared now. There are too many competition kids in that class.) Now I'm scared for myself in that class.

What a wonderful note to end this post on. This is a fun format. Will definitely try again some other time.

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