Level Of Concern


How concered about things are you right now? How much do you spend daily on thinking about coronavirus? 10 minutes? 2 hours? Zero?

I, personally have been in quarantine for little over a month. At first, I spent almost the entire day just wrapping my head around the fact that everything will change. Normally, I'm a big proponent of change. Change is always good, period. But this time, it's a change-wave I have no control over. It was just quite hard to deal with a change as big as that.

I think that there is a crucial difference between being informed and checking the news. Being informed, knowing how everything is holding up? Sure. Constantly refreshing NYT just to read the latest snippet? Nope.

Honestly, try getting your "news" from Wikipedia. All the info about the pandemic is heavily moderated, so no half-truths and fake news. Also, the information is presented in a very calm, structured manner. The exact opposite of how live media operates. Also, try listening to one-on-one interviews with experts from TED Connects. I especially enjoyed the interwievs with Bill Gates, Ray Dalio & Pryia Parker.

It's totaly okay to be concerned. About the people who are suffering, about the economy, about the future. But the moment where your level of concern reaches panic & anxiety is very hard to notice.

So do everything to keep it as low as possible.

Stay sane y'all 🤞

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