The Never-ending Walk


Well, here we are. A full year of writing something new every single day. And it all started with a walk.

It was a seemingly normal walk in the woods, but in the end it also was a walk into my mind. Into my greatest fears, hopes, dreams, and disappointments. The first post was poorly written, incredibly unstructured, and it missed any kind of a conclusion. I think I actually dictated it to my phone, and then just edited the text to make it look better. I have not done that ever since. But this shitty post sparked something much bigger, and something which I truly did not anticipate.

While the experience of creating something new every day is definitely one of the best things about my life right now, having the opportunity to go back and see my old posts is even better. Since this blog is basically the story of my everyday life, I feel pretty attached to it. I can remember how I felt, what I did, how I changed all those days. It's sort of a public journal; one, which only I can truly decode.

At first I had no goal at all. This idea of daily writing was incredibly foreign to me; I have never heard about it before May 2019. Sometime in April I discovered this neat little app called Standard Notes. And while I was trying to understand how I'm going to utilize this tool, which looked like a simple paper knife at first, but soon turned out to be a Swiss-army knife, Listed, the blogging platform connected to it, created the 100 days writing challenge. I thought: why not? There it began.

At that time of my life, I started realizing that successful (however you'd like to define that) and virtuous people are so not through individual, outstanding and heroic actions, but through continuous, drudging, and demanding work. People won't start trusting you after one good action. You won't get into shape after one workout. It will take many.

I thought: if I want to be a better thinker, better writer, and most importantly of all, a better person, I have to commit to working hard all of the time, not just once.

Am I a better person than I was 365 days ago? I don't know. I'm inclined to think so, since I'm feeling better than ever. And I've managed to shred some of the worst parts of my personality.

Life is a path that goes on and on. We don't see the end. All we can do is just walk, and with every stride changing who we are. Because, in all honesty, that's all there is do to.

#1000 days.

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