The Power Of Contrast


Think about the number of times when enjoyable things stopped being enjoyable. When truth was impossible to separate from lies. When good seemed to be bad. Well, there's one thing that comes in handy in all of these situations: contrast.

The process of putting two completely different, opposing things side by side is no quantum computing. It's been there practically since the beginning of this world. We all know how to do it, but not really when to do it.

See, contrast is powerful. Without rest, work has no meaning. Without bad, good looses its taste (every utopia ever). Without boredom, thought becomes destructive. Without hardship, love evaporates. Without contrast, we're all blinded.

The art of balance is a skill we learn all through our life; there's no end, no "threshold" to reach. It's delicate, hard, but incredibly fulfilling. Choosing between two (or more) sides of the same issue is never easy. Yet, always a conclusion is possible. It just might take a long time.

Even when you're sure you've chosen the right side, the other one has to stay.

Tremendous light will only blind an imperfect being.

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