18 JUN - A Definition of Mathematics and Why I like Math

what is the definition of math?

We know what is in it, we know that it exists, we know that it has numerous uses in the modern world, but there's not really a common definition that every professional in the field can agree on. You go to a university math-stat, pure-applied math, or math-compsci department for whatever reason (a very unique place) and ask each professor they personal definition of mathematics I'd imagine you get different responses from each professional since the art and academic discipline can be seen from vast angles and involves so much content, rules, and lore. The area not surface heavy it is very volume heavy and got a lot going on internally - like Kendrick on TPAB and Mr. Coltrane on any album fr - w/o the trauma, math prolly got some trauma tho but nothing beating any of they music.

I don't got a firm take on the defintion of math, as a 22 yo on a brief university break who already completed all the math up to differential equations and now awaiting to take classes on the other side of math (dem proofs). My takes are a combination of what one professor said to be and what I read and gathered from the pages ------- >

My calc 3 professor said math is an explanation of the abstract. He a white man who looks like a discord mod and reddit user that is a predictable asl. However, he is probably one of the most human math professors I'll ever get the pleasure of being a student of. This one book I am currently reading basically says math is trying to make rules off of restricitons and changing them to find what u want - like making yo own game but apply it to solve and figure it out.

These threads in stack exchange: https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/4214005/is-there-a-mathematical-definition-of-mathematics and reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/math/comments/u2iary/how_would_you_define_mathematics/ do a good job explaining the absence of a firm, central definition of mathematics. I do agree with defining math from what I saw in the threads as just something and whatever a mathematician does because math 1) differs heavily between the subfields and subdomains so a pure math will have a different view vs a applied math, and 2) math is so broad and so underlying in everything that there cannot be a hard definition - key word - everybody agrees with. They got a definition for the central science and biology but not for math, check the comment section of that vid and TELL ME there's a definition, check the replies under the comment " best definition ever: "mathematics is a social activity done by mathematicians" and you'll see what Im talking abt - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btzE11jNbj4.

why am I so passionate about math?

Je sais pas, we'll fully, i fw the problem solving, the analytical thinking, and other aspects that likewise come instinctly to me and what I can see myself doing for the rest of my days. In all honestly I want to, for the rest of my life, learn, do and spread the passionate of I got for math. I'll spread the passion by either teaching it, tutoring somebody, or writing about it like I am doing right now. When I read and/or do something with math that on my own time (uni math be killing a nigga - shit so forced) it is a peace I dont experience often that comes over my body and I feel myself becoming more the person I want to be everytime I commit myself to study - ik this sounds mad nerdish but like Demi Lovato said - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HCUoMgviwU.

Alot of times I did activities that where near math but wasn't math, it wasn't until I focused on it where I felt like the missing piece was complete and now I jus need to keep at it in order to...I dont have a real goal I just wan dive into the game as much as possible. Lots of math ppls love the destination rather vs the journey but the destination be temporary, the journey and everything you learn which you spend wayyy more time on is the best part, the building blocks and going at it repeatedly.

The feeling of accomplishing something is wonderful and worth it but putting that over the journey is not the wave for me, doing something to achieve something at the end is cool but doing something because you love the game, and the hustle - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Z-jIoSEyb4, is a better way to live to me personally. You gon spend most of the time doing the activity so why not make sure it is an activity you throughly enjoy because you jus enjoy it. That makes the destination sweeter but .1s after you reach your stop, you gon want to continue on because you love the game.

Yes this shit gon change to a math blog womp womp cause how it took me like 2-3 days to write this when the other post non math be taking me like a week. This like me getting through Donald Goines Kenyatta's series like clock work, i be burning through them like a mf.

Hopefully I am not the only nigga that can reference Demi Lovato and Paid In Full in the same space. Shoutout.

Apologies but not for any mispellings and/or sentence fragments, I am jus a https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axwpgn3GRMs.

stay tuned


Shit i got inspiration from:

Math with bad drawings - Ben Orlin
Youtube Channel: Numberphile
r/math and Math Stack Exchange

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