18 JUN - A Definition of Mathematics and Why I like Math
what is the definition of math? We know what is in it, we know that it exists, we know that it has numerous uses in the modern world, but there's not really a common definition that every professional in the field can agree on. You go to a university math-stat, pure-applied math, or math-compsci department for whatever reason (a very unique place) and ask each professor they personal definition of mathematics I'd imagine you get different responses from each professional since the art and acad...
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independent/alternative news feed [First Posted 17 MAR, Should be updated periodically, pls lmk if i needa add anything]
Should be relativley self explanatory...on the western side of the world especially the United States there is a dominant presence of news sources that push an agenda that doesn't match what the people go through daily/should be worried about; As well they tend to steer us in their direction instead of a direction that is productive, and has reader develop a lens that isnt accurate to the situation. These are a list of Maryland local media and other outlets that support that latter view, and a...
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12 MARCH - STEM niggas and talking about social problems
Every interaction with a stem inclined person (a person who devotes their time to studying and learning in an area of science engineering, and/or technology) can reveal the why and what they want to do with their knowledge and most times that they are pursuing a degree in the area. Wether they are a hobbyist, college student, or a "professional" in the salary world. Talking to them about a social problem or how an event is undergoing in the world can say wether they are going to be the reason wh...
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27 FEB - Philosophy of Blogging
The title a bit decieveing. I say blogging because this is the current medium of communication that you are probably reading and engaging with - but this can go into really a philosophy of writing (from my end) in general among the numerous form of styles that is presented - from essay style ish to more poetic toni morrison energy. So this is more of the why I write, write what I write and the blog too. I be thinking. With a combination of the mind being majorly analytical, and a soul being cu...
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16 FEB - BHM, Econ History, more
Intro: Happy Black history month y'all! Every day is always a reason to learn about Black history, but this month got historical roots to Dr. Carter G. Woodson and the establishment of negro history week in order for people to learn more about the buried history - LITERALLY - of Black history. It was designated February to be the month because of the birthdays of Lincoln (11th) and Douglass (14th). Lincoln aint even liked Black people all dat but at least he wasn't a Andrew Jackson. Black his...
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16 JAN - Introducton, Social Media, Mass Media, and Social Mathematics
Introduction: The most important dire feature of this blog is that there is an account of my thoughts, and somewhere written something that one time I thought had down the line be a potential benefit to the humans. As in these times of brutal, terror producing capitalism, climate destabilization, and where people are realizing their humanity, and trying to go against the ideas they once thought was important to them, it is important to read, talk about topics that were once taboo, and do someth...
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around 7 during winter break
test test test...hello world! ...
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