Learning Rust, Day 2

I was able to make minor progress on the Cribbage game. It's been a few weeks since I had looked at it - turns out a global pandemic can be distracting. The code I left is just series of enums and a Card struct. The goal for this round was simple: build an all function that returns all 52 cards and print the result. So, as a list: Be able to informatively print a Card struct Iterate across all ranks and suits to build a list of Card structs (we basically want the Cartesian product) Write a te...
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Learning Rust, Day 1

I decided to start learning Rust and wanted to try something I’ve never done: write about it while learning. The Idea Start out with some basic reading Use my favorite card game, cribbage, as a template for working out basic algorithms, data structures, and general syntax Notes while reading Oof, I’m gonna have to get used to static typing again. References and borrowing are wacky! It’s intuitive in the “follow the scope” sense but I’m going to have to just work with it more. Lifetimes ar...
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Keeping it simple: vim

I've been writing code using vim for almost 20 years at this point. Its keybindings are my default; it's in my blood. When I first started using vim there was a minimal plugin ecosystem...you could find things on vim.org but in general it was sink or swim. I'm thankful for that, since it forced me to aggressively climb vim's learning curve (turns out :help is actually helpful). As time passed, I gradually added plugins for various functions - fuzzy finding, grepping, themes, VCS, etc. At one po...
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Interesting things, February 2020 edition

I like to keep track of the random things that I find interesting right now; these are often transient, but it's neat to have a record. White Bat by He Is Legend I'm a little bit obsessed with this album. I've listened to it more or less non stop since November. Some highlights, in my opinion, are "Eye Teeth" and "Boogiewoman". The whole album is aggressive and punchy and has groove and is well written. Tahuya ORV Park I stumbled on an ORV park while out riding on President's Day. It's a ...
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A personal blog

I've never been much of a writer. I keep a journal - irregularly - and a day-to-day work log for my job. Other than that, I don't write...and I'd like to change that. This blog, for whatever it's worth, is an effort to that effect. My initial ideas for this: Post about things I find interesting right now; it will be nice to have a place with a record of the various things I come across Have a place to yap about my hobbies Write about general technical subjects As an aside, I picked write.a...
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