2023 Resolutions

Saturday, Jan 6, 2024

Hello again. I want to touch a little bit on my resolutions from last year and this New Year. Overall, I can safely say that I've achieved a little over 50% of my goals. I had about 13, if I'm not mistaken—13 goals, 13 resolutions. Originally, I wanted to have just 12 resolutions because there are 12 months in a year, but I decided to add 1 as an overall, yearly thing, if that makes sense.

So, in summary, I've achieved about seven out of thirteen, which is not bad. It worked in my favor because some of these goals are quite vague. For example, I wanted to improve my speaking skills, but I didn't have a measurable goal or a clear plan on how to achieve that. Nevertheless, I considered it a goal achieved. However, there are certain goals I didn't manage to achieve, such as reaching my target weight. Last year, I was around 80-something, and after a few months of incorporating exercise into my daily life (not necessarily working out or following a strict routine), I almost reached my goal. I didn't see it as a complete failure, but it's okay.

Some of these goals will be incorporated into my 2024 resolutions, which is not bad—it's a process, and I don't mind it. Some goals from last year, in hindsight, I no longer want to pursue. For instance, I wanted to eat more vegan or vegetarian meals in a week, maybe once or twice, but over time, I realized it's not something I want to continue. Overall, I'm content with where I am, even though it's a little over a 50% success rate. It's a journey, and I don't mind it. Maybe in the next video, we'll talk about my 2024 New Year resolution. InsyaAllah. Bye.

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