Lesson 19 (Beginner 1B L3): Listing Events in Order

This is the final grammar point for this chapter, which is chapter 5. We finished the handout. Next lesson, we will finish up the chapter, and then the following lesson will be a revision lesson from chapters 1-5. Then after that is the test.

The test will have writing, reading, listening, and oral. The oral component will be done in pairs. I guess that gives a hint to me on what to expect. But yeah, it's Beginner 1, like the teacher says, so it isn't too hard.

We also had a surprise quiz today on conjugation. Actually, it was also a listening quiz, but I don't know if the listening component came about because the printer wasn't working. So the teacher would say a verb in the infinitive form, and we we had to write the infinitive form, the present tense form (polite-informal), and the past tense form (also polite-informal, I would think).

I realised I'm bad at dictation (and hence listening), and bad at spelling. I probably should force myself to type out the words on Anki. And there was one that I had wrong in my Anki note, so it was a good thing this came up, so I fixed it.

And Audrey didn't come for lesson again, but apparently it's still because she's busy with work. But I still have my suspicions because our lessons are on Saturday afternoon, she works in a bank (iirc as a bank teller) and banks close early on Saturdays, do they not? Besides, why would banks be busy at this time with the Covid-19 around and everyone mostly shutting themselves in?


4. V-고

This construction is used to list two or more events in the order that they happened.

For the first N-1 events (all except the last), you take the dictionary form (i.e. the infinitive), remove the 다, and then replace it with 고.

As an example, if you have 보다, remove the 다, and you get 보고.

You only have to conjugate according to the tense for the last verb (event) in the chain.

We practised mostly with 2 events.


  1. 밥을 먹고 차를 마셔요. (I eat rice and I drink tea.)
  2. 어제 스테이크을 먹고 친구하고 게임하고 운동했어요. (Yesterday, I ate steak, played games with friends, and exercised.)
  3. 스티븐씨는 학교에 가고 친구를 만났어요. (Steven went to school and met his friend.)

The order matters. In the first example, it means that you ate rice (or ate your meal) before drinking tea. If you said instead 차를 마시고 밥을 먹어요 it means that you drank the tea before you ate your meal.

친구하고 thrown in can make things really confusing, when there are many ~하다 verbs that become 하고. I wonder if there is some link between these two 하고?

If the subject of the sentence is the same for both clauses, you naturally omit the subject in the second one. Or, as in the first 2 sentences, the subject may already be omitted (as the "I" is implicit.)

We practised the above in class with the picture cards, and naturally, we had to throw in locations and objects as well.


These mostly came up in the answers to questions about what we did.

Korean English
게임하다 to play a game
스테이크 steak
파스타 pasta
샐러드 salad
저도요 me too


  1. For the pronunciation of 산책하다, it is [산채카다]. Does that mean for 산책하고, it is [산채카고]? (Update 16/5/2020: The answer, I later discover, is yes.)

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