Lesson 27 (Beginner 2A L3): Also (도), Kimchi

This post is really late because I've not finished my homework yet and for some reason I thought I should get the homework done first, since that's what I usually do after class. This week's assignment is taking longer because there is a writing component that involves creating a fake advertisement to sell some second-hand stuff. Me being me, I decide to try to make it legitimate and that means tons of research before I will get that part of it done. So, I decided that I should at least get this post out of the way because putting it off for so many days has been weighing on me.

This lesson was where we finished the last grammar point. Next week we will finish up with chapter 6 and begin with chapter 7, which is on the weather. We were sent the PDFs of the handout and the homework sheet and I printed them out. It's nice to see how colourful the handout really is. The printed copies we receive are always in black and white... I wonder if I can ask the teacher for the previous handouts in full colour... just because I think they'd also be nicer to look at.


4. N 도

This is used to express "also" or "too". It's actually very versatile, despite its apparent simplicity.

Examples (보기):

  • 수미가 커피를 마셔요. 줄리앙 커피를 마셔요. (Sumi is drinking coffee. Julian is also drinking coffee.)
  • 저는 오렌지를 샀어요. 그리고 사과 샀어요. (I bought oranges. And I bought apples too.)

This particle replaces the particles 이/가, 은/는, and 을/를 in a sentence.

As it turns out, it can attach to many things (and in some cases it will not replace the particle like for 에, which I would discuss shortly).

Depending on what it's placed after, it would change the meaning. I started to get a little confused due to the last exercise in the worksheet.

It showed a schedule with various activities. (There's more than the ones below.)

월 (Mon) 화 (Tue) 수 (Wed) 묵 (Thu) 금 (Fri) 토 (Sat) 일 (Sun)
영어 영어 영화 영화

The example was given:

  • 월요일에 영어를 배워요. 화요일에도 영어를 배워요. = On Monday I learn English. On Tuesday I also learn English.

Notice that over here, 도 is added behind 에.

I got a bit confused and thrown for the last question, which was for the movie. Each question gives an image as a prompt, so the image shows someone at the cinema watching a movie.

At this point I wondered if I should be saying he was at the cinema, but if I added 영화관에서... hmm, would the 도 go behind that as well...?

This prompted me to look do some research on my own, and my first stop is always How to Study Korean, which helped to clear up my question about that. It also covers adding 도 to many other particles that I've not yet learnt at this point.

I ended up omitting the location in my answer since I'm sure that wasn't required, but let's also think about how the sentences' meanings change.

  1. 토요일에 영화관에서 영화를 봐요. 일요일에도 영화관에서 영화를 봐요. = On Saturday, I watch a movie at the cinema. On Sunday too, I watch a movie at the cinema. (Here it's saying that I am doing something on Saturday, and on Sunday I'm doing the same thing.)
  2. 토요일에 영화관에서 영화를 봐요. 일요일에 영화관에서도 영화를 봐요. = On Saturday I watch a movie at the cinema. On Sunday I watch a movie at the cinema in addition to watching a movie someplace else. (The sentence doesn't say where it is, but it would imply nonetheless that there was another location that the speaker watched a movie at.)

Listening and Speaking

This were the listening and speaking exercises in the textbook, pages 155-156.

As you might have guessed, it was mostly for numbers (prices).

Culture Note

This was about the variants of kimchi, and how it's also added to various foods. I've added them to the vocab list.


Korean English Notes
그냥 그래요. It was okay. In response to a question about whether the food is delicious, and you don't want to say 맛있어요 or 맛없어요. This means it was so-so. You don't use 괜찮아요 as 괜찮아요 has a positive connotation.
인터넷 Internet to say you bought something online, it's 인터넷에서 샀어요.
아이스커피 ice coffee
에스프레소 espresso
일달러; 일볼 $1 1 dollar
일달러 오십센트 $1.50 1 dollar 50 cents
일 점 오 달러 $1.50 1 point 5 dollars. 점 means point/dot and also to refer to a mole (on the face) since it looks like a dot
level (student) e.g. 1급 (일급) means a year 1 student
물건 thing
인치 inch 21인치 텔레비전 = 21 inch TV
아주 very
XX 원을 주고 사다 to pay XX won for something lit. I give this amount and buy it
XX 원에 사다 to buy something for XX won notice the different particle used in this expression
팔다 to sell
unit noun for books
백김치 white kimchi Non-spicy, very crunchy. Children love it. Pregnant or breast-feeding women also prefer it.
깍두기 kkakdugi diced, cube kimchi
오이김치 cucumber kimchi
물김치 water kimchi it's very refreshing, like the soup of cold noodles (냉면)
김치김밥 kimchi gimbap (seaweed-wrapped roll)
김치볶음밥 kimchi fried rice 볶음 = stir-fry
김치전 kimchi pancake English wikipedia says it's also called 김치부침개

And if the title of this post makes no sense it's because I couldn't think of a better one. Sorry!

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