Lesson 106 (Pre-Advance 1 Lesson 4)

Super long overdue post from last year. I decided I better get this in before my next lesson (108). Fortunately, the next lesson does not have much new content but was a lot of revision out of the textbook. Which was necessary given the 3 weeks break between lessons 106 and 107.

Started with the Self Check for Chapter 17 before starting on Chapter 18. Covered all 3 grammar points for the chapter. The third is the most important, in fact, the main grammatical concept that we will see again in this level (pre-advance, or if you follow the textbook, then it's the level 3 textbook).


1. V-(으)ㄴ 지

In the handout, it was written as V-(으)ㄴ 지 (기간)이/가 되다.

This is used to indicate how much time has passed after something is done.

받침 X, ㄹ + -ㄴ 지 받침 O + -은 지
배우다 → 배운 지 먹다 → 먹은 지


    • 가: 수영한 지 얼마나 됐어요? (How long has it been since you swam?)
    • 나: 얼마 안 됐어요. (Not long ago.)
  1. 고향에 간 지 오래 됐어요. (It has been a long time since I went to my hometown.)
  2. 한국에 산 지 2년이 됐어요. (It has been 2 years since I started to live in Korea.)


What is the difference in meaning between these two sentences?

  1. 여행을 한 지 2년 됐어요.
  2. 여행을 한 지 2년 됐어요.

You can translate the first as: “I have not gone on vacation for 2 years.”

The second can mean (as per the examples earlier): “It has been 2 years since I went on vacation.”

The second sentence in this case also refers to your last trip; it was 2 years ago. Effectively, this has the same meaning as the first sentence.

However, it is also possible for the second sentence to mean: “It has been 2 years since I started travelling (and I am still travelling).”

Hence, it is actually clearer if you want to convey the first meaning to use the negative form: 여행을 한 지 2년 됐어요.

The third example sentence (“한국에 산 지 2년이 됐어요.”) also has this ambiguity. It could mean that you lived in Korea since 2 years ago and are still living there, or you last lived there 2 years ago. If you mean the latter, probably it would be clearer to use the negative form.

2. N(이)나 (2)

We first saw N(이)나 with the meaning of “or”.

When ‘(이)나’ is used with numbers or quantities, it expresses that the number or amount is larger than what the speaker considers to be typical.

This is something that is subjective and depends on the speaker. Someone might add N(이)나 for a quantity that someone else finds normal and would not add N(이)나.

This is another one of those grammars that that have no special translation in English.

받침 X + -나 받침 O + -이나
네 마리 → 네 마리 열 번 → 열 번이나


  1. 제 친구는 고양이를 네 마리 키워요. (My friend raises 4 cats!)
  2. 동생이 30분이나 늦었어요. (My brother was late for 30 minutes!)
  3. 이 책은 열 번이나 봤어요. (He read this book 10 times!)

3. A-다, V-ㄴ다/는다, N(이)다

This form is the sentence ending form for written language: 서술체.

These forms are used in newspapers or journals to express objective statements. It is also used when writing dairies or reports to describe the situation and events objectively.

This is very important grammar point for SNU 3, the way A-(으)ㄴ, V-는, and N인 is very important for SNU 2. Meaning, it will appear in a lot of the grammar that will be covered in level 3, the way A-(으)ㄴ, V-는, and N인 have appeared in a variety of grammar points (which I am not going to link here).

받침 X 받침 O
A (Present) -다 (basic form) 크다 → 크 작다 → 작
A (Past) -았/었다 크다 → 컸다 작다 → 작았다
V (Present) -는/ㄴ다 가다 → 간다 먹다 → 먹은다
V (Past) -았/었다 가다 → 갔다 먹다 → 먹었다
V (Future) -(으)ㄹ 것이다 가다 → 갈 것이다 먹다 → 먹을 것이다
N (Present) (이)다 친구 → 친구 선생님 → 선생님이다
N (Past) 였다/이었다 친구 → 친구였다 선생님 → 선생님이었다


  1. 오늘은 친구들과 함께 시내에 갔다. (Today, I went with my friends to the city.)
  2. 휴일이라서 길이 많이 복잡하. (The road is congested because it's a holiday.)
  3. 나는 학생이다. (I am a student.)

Usage Notes

  1. 않다: When it follows a verb, it is conjugated as a verb (-지 않는다), but when it follows an adjective, it is conjugated as an adjective (-지 않다).
  2. -고 싶다, 필요하다, 같다, 좋다, and 싫다 are adjectives. 있다/없다 also are considered adjectives as they describe a state. 좋아하다, 싫어하다, 알다, 모르다 are verbs.
  3. The humble form of the first person pronoun is not used. 나/우리 are used in place of 저/저회 to express I/we.
  4. Questions in the narrative form are rare, but to write a question in the narrative form, you use A-은/ㄴ 가?, V-는가?, N인가?


Korean English Notes
감정 emotions
계절의 변화 changes of seasons
N이/가 그립다 to miss (adj.) 그립다 can be used for places (e.g. your hometown), things (e.g. food), and people. 보고 싶다 is more for missing, say, people (and that you want to see them). It would be strange to use 보고 싶다 for things.
후회가 되다 to feel regret
아쉽다 to feel sorry
기억에 남다 to remain in memory
정(이) 들다 to become emotionally attached
눈물을 흘리다 to shed tears 흘리다 can be used also for other things, e.g. 땀을 흘리다, 콧물을 흘리다
꽃이 피다 to have flowers bloom
바람이 불다 to have the wind blow
건조하다 to be dry
습도가 높다 to have high humidity
장마 rainy season
장마가 시작되다 to have the start of the rainy season 6월~7월 (June to July) in Kore
태풍이 오다 to have a typhoon come 태풍이 불다 can be used as well, since it is wind.
단풍이 들다 to have leaves change colour
나뭇잎이 떨어지다 to have leaves fall [나문닙]. 나뭇잎 = 나무 (tree) + 잎 (leaf)
쌀쌀하다 to be chilly
기온이 영화로 내려가다 to have temperature drop below zero
열하십도 -10 degrees
얼음이 얼다 to freeze
눈이 내리다 to have snow fall 오다 also works, as we saw before.
시간이 지나가다 time goes by
내내 all the time 이 사람 내내 + V. Not quite sure of the difference between this and 항상 (always)
사정이 있다 to have a reason
담그다 to soak 담가요
김치를 담그다 to make kimchi Need to soak the cabbage.
대하다 to treat As in, to treat like family, or as a sister. 동생처럼 대하다, 편하게 대해다
실력이 늘다 to improve oneself OO 실력이 늘다
배가 부르다 to have a full stomach
말없이 without saying anything 동생이 말없이 ... 하고 있어요.
넘다 to cross, exceed, go over 저는 결혼한 지 7년이 넘었어요. = I have been married for over 7 years.
까먹다 to forget 잊어버리다 is one of the meanings. 잘 까먹다 means to forget easily. 내용이 까먹었어요. 그 책을 읽은 지 3년이 넘었어요.
성공적 successful 성공적으로 = successfully
개최하다 to hold, host
경기장 stadium 국립 경기장 = national stadium. 운동장 is also previously used for “stadium”, but Naver dictionary says “sports field”, “playground”, or “track”
관객 audience
방콕 Bangkok
사정이 있다 to have a reason/situation 다음 주에 우리 반 친구들이 같이 여행을 가는데 저는 사정이 있어서 못 가게 됐어요.
마르다 to dry


  • Chapter 18 Worksheet
  • Handout p. 9 (but there is also a p. 10, the last page. I did both.)
    • I checked the message she sent on KakaoTalk, it doesn't mention this at all. I think this is just something she mentioned in class, though there is the possibility I misheard and maybe she meant that we will go through p. 9 next time. Or she meant only the first exercise of p. 9, which is not written, but just speaking practice.
    • In the next lesson, we went through the last 2 pages so… clearly I misheard.
  • Quizlet (but I checked, we do not have access yet for Chapter 18—this was a week after the lesson when I checked, but it was added at some point, which made me realise I have not been getting emails for sets added to the new class…)


  • Students: 11 out of 11
  • Breakout room activities: Just one

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