Lesson 108 (Pre-Advance 1 Lesson 6)

We started the lesson with the guessing game. We were supposed to write 5 sentences using the 서술체 form that we learnt in the last lesson that I did not do.

We finished up the 2B book.

There is not really much to talk about. The culture note was a poem. Then we had to write a poem as homework, which was the task on that page. The teacher sent us 2 other sample poems. I tried my best with this one.

There was no new pronunciation topic. Instead, there was a passage with certain words underlined that we were supposed to pay attention to the pronunciation for—these were pronunciation rules we learnt before.

For the last half an hour of the lesson, we started on the handout for chapter 1. We covered the new vocab, and also the first portion about indirect speech. It is not even the full grammar point, but the summary, and only for the present tense.


This is the very first grammar point in 3A Chapter 1.

1. Indirect Speech (간접 화법)

This builds on the very important ending that was covered in the last chapter (and that we’ll apparently see more of in this level).

A-다고 하다, V-는/ㄴ다고 하다, and N(이)라다.

While it is essentially the same for adjectives and verbs, it is slightly different for nouns. But it should still look familiar.

받침 X 받침 O
A 크다 → 크다고 해요 작다 → 작다고 해요
V 가다 → 간다고 해요 먹다 → 먹는다고 해요
N 친구 → 친구라고 해요 책 → 책이라고 해요


Korean English Notes
입학식 entrance ceremony 入学式
전공 major 专攻
강의 lecture 讲义
동아리 club In school.
축제 festival 祝节
일시 date and time 日时
강의실 lecture room; (university) classroom This is the usual “classroom“ (교실) in university.
강당 (lecture) hall 讲堂. Much bigger than the usual classroom.
졸업식 graduation ceremony 卒业式
기회 opportunity 机会
설명회 orientation 说明会
오리엔테이션 orientation English. Also called “OT” for short.
대학에 지원하다 to apply to a university 志愿
대회에 참가하다 to participate in a competition 参加
동아리에 가입하다 to join a club 加入
제공하다 to provide 提供
하늘의 별 따기 do something very difficult to pluck a star from the sky
과목 subject 科目
수강 taking a course 受讲
성적 grade; score 成绩
학점 credit; grade 学点. As in, an A grade = A학점.
학기 term 学期
주차장 car park 驻车场
장학금 scholarship 奖学金
장학생 scholarship student
상금 cash prize 赏金
도움이 되다 to be helpful
장학금을 신청하다 to apply for a scholarship 申请
회의에 참석하다 to attend a meeting 參席
회의에 불참하다 to be absent from a meeting Add 불 to negate. 불참하다 also works for things that are not participated in (참가하다).
수업에 출석하다 to attend class 出席
수업에 결석하다 to be absent from class 缺席
회의에 불참하다 to be absent from a meeting Add 불 to negate. 불참하다 also works for things that are not participated in (참가하다).
시험에 합격하다 to pass an exam 合格. 붙다 is native Korean. Because 붙다 also means “to stick”, hence there is the tradition to eat sticky food in order to pass an exam.
엉망이다 to be a mess
신입생 환영회 welcome party for new students 新入生 欢迎会


  • 2B Textbook: Write a poem about the seasons (p. 220)
  • 3A Chapter 1 Worksheets p. 18 to 20
  • Quizlet 3A word set


  • Date: Jan 15
  • Students: 10 out of 11 (1 from my original class, the girl who joined last)
  • Breakout room activities: Speaking 2 and pronunciation. Same partner for both.

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