Book Subscription

It was my birthday back in February so I decided to buy myself a book subscription from Mr B's Emporium. Not the cheapest out there but I fell for the brown paper wrapped parcels with a wax seal. Unfortunately with the COVID-19 outbreak all book subscriptions were placed on hold for a couple of months. Deliveries resumed a couple of weeks back and I got my first book through, although it was missing the frills packaging because of the outbreak. I guess they're running on a skeleton staff which is understandable given everything going on. I hope the independent book sellers survive the current onslaught, it would be such a shame to lose them. I used to buy almost everything from Amazon but over the last couple of years I've moved away from them and do my best to use local or independent online shops. My move away from Amazon was initially caused by their complete lack of quality control, I've lost count of the items I've bought from Amazon only to find substandard or counterfit products arrive. Amazon clearly have no interest in attempting to regin this in so I've taken my custom elsewhere.

Anyway back on topic, I doubt I'll be renewing my subscritpion with Mr B's at £45 for 3 months its just too expensive, I'd rather use my local book shop or Hive which for every purchase will give a percentage to a local store of your choosing.

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