May 14, 2021•286 words
In a certain sense, everything in existence is chaos because it simply shouldn't be. It doesn't make logical sense for the universe and all of its perfectly cohesive and coherent natural laws to have arisen out of nothing. And yet, here it is.
In another sense, there is no chaos. Things that appear to be chaotic seem to be so because our perception is too limited to see the total picture. We can see this when we reflect back on events after getting more information. Once we have a more detailed picture of the circumstances, things that appeared to be random at the time come to make sense. The range of our senses is limited and our minds just can't process all the information that would be required to see everything at once. That which lies outside the scope of our awareness would appear to be chaotic and random. However, all of existence is taking part in one simultaneous unfolding, one emerging event with infinite variables interacting in programmed ways.
There also seem to be programs which introduce a surprising function into the mix. Sudden destructions, breakdowns, breakthroughs, awakenings - which can appear to release one from the causal matrix. One becomes anomalous in a sense because the original program is seen through and transcended.
This is when the element of choice enters. Before then, choice is an illusion. One simply does what their programming compells them to.
It is possible, maybe even likely, that even the awakening and sense of freedom is an element of the causal matrix. A stage in the programmed expansion of consciousness. It does appear to be so, since there seems to be an inner force compelling us towards this state...