June 23, 2022•327 words
In this world, we are all blind following the blind. Even the most confident-seeming person can't be trusted to know all the answers, especially not for us. After all, we can't really know what's going on within another or how they're perceiving our situation.
So far I've found that, with enough time and exposure, everyone turns out to be a fallible, frightened and foolish human being at some time or other and in some situation or other. Sense of certainty comes and goes, waxes and wanes, ebbs and flows. An appearance of confidence can be carried out for certain lengths of time but this indicates nothing of the overall inner workings of a person (in fact I've found that an appearance of unwavering confidence is best regarded with some suspicion).
No matter how others appear to us, wise or foolish, confident or uncertain, their words and actions can only be used as reflections. An opportunity to examine our own life and inner workings in order to continuously refine our perception and approach. Relying on someone else to show us how to live only turns us into dependent infants, utterly distracted from our own uniquely unfolding needs and growth. How often do we find that we or others have ended up acting at the whims of someone with too much confidence and not enough humility, too much power and not enough oversight? Someone who, perhaps, maintains a sense of security by directing others rather than looking into the abyss we're all faced with?
We don't need to depend on others to hold our hands through life. At some point we can learn to guide ourselves. Self-trust can be cultivated. Innate intelligence can be developed. Ultimately there is no right or wrong way to be, only ways that are right or wrong for each individual and circumstance. There is no one way, no single path to follow. We can find OUR ways, and leave all others to their own.