August 7, 2022•269 words
Nobody knows what they're doing or what's going on. Not really, not ultimately. Life is a grand game of "your guess is as good as mine". We're all free to live it how we want with what's available to us, and nothing is guaranteed. I can explore and play or work and toil or sit back and chill or some combination of each and they'll all carry me in different directions. Yeah there are things that need to be done to continue living but when you really get down to it that amounts to fairly little - enough resources to sustain the body. The rest is optional. It's choice.
I can choose how much or how little to participate. I can choose where my energy and attention goes. In countless scenarios there will be consequences for saying yes and consequences for saying no, consequences for choosing this and consequences for rejecting that, and I can choose which I'd prefer. It's one big choose your own adventure.
And as for death, my guess is as good as yours. Why should I believe anyone else's ideas about life and death? I have my best guess as others have theirs so why not choose mine? Who's to say it won't continue to evolve as I do, and who's to say that someone who gave a talk or wrote a book one day didn't continue to evolve too? Why settle prematurely based on ideas from the past?
I'm not prepared to settle on any thoughts or theories no matter how compelling. From where I'm standing, it all remains a best guess at best.