
Every rise precedes a fall. Every high precedes a low. This seems unavoidable and endless.

There seems to be a line of neutral equilibrium at which things can be said to feel in balance. Dip below that line and I eventually spring up. Rise above it and I eventually drop down. This all operates on the level of ego perception, a result of the way I'm seeing and interpreting things. This is good, that is bad. I like this, I don't like that. I want this, I don't want that.

There seems to be two ways to approach this. I can work at maintaining a state of equilibrium through the continuous perception of essential neutrality, thereby neutralizing the tendency to fuel highs and lows, rises and falls. Or accept them completely and just ride the waves, willingly approaching all the oscillations of pleasure and pain, gain and loss, success and failure, etc.

It mainly seems to be a matter of preference, and not necessarily mutually exclusive. Essential neutrality can be known while on the egoic level the waves are ridden with acceptance. Maybe this is even how it must be, I'm not sure yet. Or maybe things do naturally reach equilibrium on all levels with continued cultivation of inner awareness and equanimity.

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