
Considering at the moment the potential significance of there actually being no polarities in nature. It's more like there's the presence of "something" and the relative absence of it along continuums of varying forms. This "something" can be called energy, which appears to manifest in various expressions to the senses. But it's all essentially emanating from and representing the same multifaceted force. There's heat and the absence of heat, which we call cold. There's light and the absence of light, which we call darkness. There's motion and the absence of motion, which we call stillness. There's growth and the absence of growth, which we call decay. There's life and the absence of life, which we call death. All of these are relative interpretations and can be misrepresented by the senses, such as in the case of motion that's so rapid that it appears to be still or even invisible, which is likely to be the case with the highest source.

One of the best observable indicators/representations of this energy is the sun. It provides in abundance several representations of this singular energy source at all times, without interruption. Enough to sustain all life on this planet. Without the sun constantly emitting energy there can be no life on the earth, at least the forms of life which currently propagate. Therefore, within the sun - or rather, emanating from what/where we call the sun - is the highest localized concentration of this energy source we can sense. Overwhelming emanations of energy, concentrated in a single "object" in "space".

Remove these qualities or adjust the energy patterns and different "objects" will be perceived with different ratios of energy emerging from them. The sun and other stars seem to be unique in that they're apparently self-generating to a comparatively high degree compared to most other objects which can be perceived. Most objects/beings consume and channel energy rather than generating and radiating it solely from within.

Nonetheless, the influences of this singular energy source remains in effect, whether directly expressed or merely absorbed and channeled. In humans it manifests in such forms as the continued production and regeneration of cells, the pumping of the heart and lungs, the generation of heat, the "light/life" in the eyes, the movement of sensation, thought and emotion. And similarly, these too operate on a continuum in relation to this energy. On the level of sensation there's sensitivity and the absence of sensitivity, which we call numbness. On the level of thought there's awareness and the absence of awareness, which we call unconsciousness. On the level of emotion there's qualities like love and the absence of love, which we call hate, peace and the absence of peace, which we call stress, bliss and the absence of bliss, which we call depression, trust and the absence of trust, which we call fear.

All these expressions, though seemingly different and separate, seem to operate on continuums in relation to the same energy source which fuels the light of the sun and everything else in creation. They represent and reveal to us various qualities of "it", at least in relation to the human experience.

Humans seem to be direct channelers of this energy, or at least more efficient storehouses and radiators of it, as children, though it seems that traumatic events/injuries can interrupt and distort the flow. For a certain length of time we're constituted and fueled in a process of growth, expression and expansion by this energy. Eventually though, growth recedes and we shift into decay and dissolution. Our body/minds are no longer as connected to that energy stream from within and we increasingly need to consume it from external sources to maintain what was once growing. We lose sensitivity and often need to "practice" being aware. We tend to need to "find" or "reconnect" with emotions like love and peace when they were once flowing outward from us without our even noticing.

This might be why we can unconsciously hunger for things and beings which represent, in various ways, higher radiations of energy. Whether it be humans, animals or even objects which express or appear to possess these qualities in higher degrees. As energy recedes from within us, we may increasingly feel pulled to absorb it from around us.

Meditation seems to be a method of reconnecting to that source, primarily through stilling the turbulence of sensation, thought and emotion which inhibit and obscure its radiation throughout the being. To "go back" to being a conduit and radiator of energy, rather than merely a consumer of it.

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