Outriders on GeForce Now

During my time with OCD, I kept going on in my head, thinking that I would never get better. Please, don’t do that! It is already hard enough trying to focus on treatment and dealing with the day-to-day struggles of OCD. Give yourself a break, let the process work, and keep pushing forward.

This was one of my biggest hurdles. Getting out of the mindset that I was going to be scarred by this mental disorder. Every single day, there was a worry that was almost constantly on my mind. “Will I ever be normal again?” or “This is how I am going to be, I have to live like this and accept it”. Don’t do this to yourself if you can help it. I think it caused me to take two steps forward and three steps back. It really put a damper on my progress.

Once I let OCD go, I got better. OCD sucks bad but, to get better, acknowledge its presence and let it go. Don’t ignore it though, as that can be an avoidance compulsion. Think of it as seeing something out of the corner of your eye, you glance at it, then you go on about your day. This is what you need to do with your OCD. If you are thinking about OCD, you are most likely ruminating, which is a compulsion!

I hope some of this stuff is helpful to anyone with OCD. I know how lost I was on my journey and I found comfort in hearing about other people’s journey and success. I can’t wait for this blogging platform to allow comments. I want to get to know you all and interact with anyone who may read this.
I have been messing around a bit with the new Outriders demo. I am trying to enjoy it but I am struggling to have consistency with GeForce Now. It is unfortunate because I really like the idea of the service.

I currently own Macs and I cannot run any games for Windows. The next best thing was GeForce Now. I thought streaming would be awesome. I have gigabit Fios and an eero pro WiFi 6 setup. What else could I need to run pretty much any PC game that I want?

I am just going to be flat out honest here. It runs like garbage on my set up. There will be moments that I am thinking WOW! This is amazing! But, more often than not, I am underwhelmed and frustrated. I click the left mouse button to fire and there is a noticeable lag to when my character fires his gun. To me, it is unplayable. I hope it gets better but, as of right now, I am cancelling my founders subscription and I was able to buy a Xbox Series X.

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