
This is probably what my college list is going to be:
UChicago - ED1
Harvey Mudd
UT Austin (auto accept)

U Rochestor?
Ohio state?

I'll add my personal reasons why each college below:
Harvard - their high value placed on truth, passion, and knowledge for the sake of knowledge culture appeals to me
Princeton - IAS + very good faculty, reading period, precept system, freshman seminars
Caltech - theoretical focus, very good math school, more specialized knowledge
MIT - blend of application and theory, helps me get out of my comfort zone of theory, probably best in terms of growing my skills
UC Hicago - I find their CORE, unique path, intellectualism, and free-speech values very appealing. They also have a very good math program.
UMN - REU, research in the areas I want

My Criteria for Math Programs:

  1. Enough math classes (basically only universities)
  2. Faculty researching multiple topics, but number theory and algebraic geometry is a must
  3. REU
  4. DRP opportunity
  5. Percentage in math PhDs (
  6. Math awards to faculty or alumni (fields medals)
  7. Number/percentage of math majors Nice things to have
  8. Math competitions and success in them
  9. Math clubs
  10. Study abroad specifically in math
  11. Freedom in taking math classes

Bates, St. Lawrence, Denison - unclear list of the research interests (so maybe not NT or algebraic geometry)
UC Santa Barbara - Their CCS math program is very cool. The vibes I get from it are very administratively chill, even smaller honor college at a public state university. They seem to focus a lot on just learning math, which I think really fits my goals well. I think most CCS math kids do grad classes in their junior year, which is pretty cool. But, I removed them because out of state costs + separate UC app + UT Austin's comparable math department and flexibility
uni nebraska lincoln - too little nt
usc - too little nt, also don't like the culture (too much school spirit and sell out culture (iirc))
ok state - no research?, website is also a mess
asu - not enough nt
utah state - not enough nt and ag
uni utah - not enough nt

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