Update 6/4/22
June 5, 2022•261 words
Dang, it's been a week since my last update and a few days past a week since summer began. Today is my birthday! I didn't do anything special though. This is also going to be my 75th post! Today I didn't do much. I spent a lot of time working on a little note for my LOR teacher for when I ask them, but I mostly just wasted time sitting around. I also cleaned and reorganized the white board in my room. Yesterday, I finished Dr. Stone. This week I decided to give the show a second chance (I found the first four episodes really cringy), and it got quite a lot better. I also (probably) finalized my college list, which I posted about. On Thursday, I got to drive a car a little bit for the first time, which was pretty cool. I wasn't expecting recoil from breaking to be so forceful though. I mostly just drove forward and reverse. Wednesday, Tuesday, and Monday were pretty mundane. I did get some ACC scheduling issues ironed out; my counselor wasn't allowing morning off-periods (because I would miss school due to my ACC class), but eventually she changed them. I also asked the professor of that class if it was ok for me to leave early, and they were ok with it. So it seems like it all worked out in the end. On Sunday I went to a senior friend's graduation/birthday party. It was a lot of fun! Although, thinking back I need to toughen up on my no pictures policy.