Day 035
April 30, 2021•362 words
Long term plans - part II
Yeah, just got hit by the topic once more. Different insights this time, but basically the same core.
More things taken into consideration, more maturity when looking at the outcomes and the vision to be developed. It looks like the compass mentioned earlier is not the only source. There is also potential for development of the current circumstances, and plans to prepare for a possible future. The things that can be done now that will engender wealthier outcomes over time.
Of course this is not all that matters. That actually matters little compared to living a life to its fullest, right now, where we are, along with what is around us. This is our present, the thing we are living for a matter of fact. We do not have control of everything that will happen. It's good to have a vision and aim at certain goals, but it is also important to keep in mind that we are alive now, and enjoy the moments.
I question if having a vision is actually helpful to something. I might be using terms that are not very appropriate. When I think about it, I see that what I mean by "long term plans" can also be described as "things one would like to achieve, that take time to setup or settle". For instance, you decide to learn another language, and you know that it will take you some time to develop some fluency in it. Even if you make a plan that looks concrete, different events might take place and force you to change your approach. You know you'll need resources to do so, and these resources can change over time. But learning is always possible, and you can surround yourself with different favorable circumstances that will help you achieve your goal.
So I think that having a goal is more important than the means used to achieve it. Maybe because I'm taking this simple example of learning a language. But maybe looking at the resources at hand in order to shape or design a goal for the future may not be the most appropriate approach.