Day 047
May 12, 2021•206 words
Given the amount of drafts I have accumulated since I started the #100Days challenge, and the circumstances I've found during the journey, I decided that for the time being I'll start to dedicate time to continue working on the drafts instead of coming up with small talks to fill up the timeboxed sessions I planned to dedicate to the challenge in the beginnig.
It takes me some time to actually immerse into the topics I'd like to write about. It also feels to me that it is a better usage of time I have available.
Maybe this is already some good learnings and nice outcome from the challenge, even before reaching the half of it. I'll test this hypothesis.
I'm keeping this message here as a log, as if I'm referring to you as if I was supposed to give explanation about my decisions. I don't. I was noticing that just now. So I am doing this in an attempt to find a clearer way to communicate this apparent change of behaviour.
Not because I owe you something, but because I consider it valid to all of us to have a nice explanation of the reason(s) that led me to change behaviour ;)