Day 077


Self care

Today I noticed I never took any kind of Self Care concept seriously enough.


I've found myself today saying outloud that I realized how important I find it to dedicate time for myself. And I meant really good amount of best quality time I can provide (because I understood its importance).

It felt so arrogant from my side at that moment, I even felt disgusted about this person I am... just because I was asking for some space?

That's absurd!

That made me pause for a moment and think about it.

The reason for that feeling of disgust is that I NEVER considered self worth as valid goal. I NEVER took the self care seriously enough. And that's why I projected this on others for such a long time. I was assuming it was arrogance (other that honesty) being expressed by this attitude.


Now I find it funny, but that was something really interesting in that moment. How could I assume that for so long?!...

How strong our assumptions can be... we feel that we own the truth and that it stands by our side. I felt so confident by judging. Felt like I was so reasonable... fuck!

Poor me back then... And thank you world for the expansion of the understanding.

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