We are all in this together
November 15, 2021•344 words
In three weeks candidates will need to register to run for office in 2022. We still need candidates, particularly running for commissioner in district 3 and 4, and for board of education in 4. Please don't think 'someone else will do this'. If not you, then who? If not now, then when? Encourage a conservative friend or neighbor to run for office. Contact me for more information at ccgop_chair@pm.me.
Reagan Day
A big thanks to everyone, especially our generous Sponsors, who attended our Reagan Day dinner on Saturday evening. We had a great turnout, and Governors Club was a superb host as always. Several candidates were able to attend. I've given the websites below for those who were able to be at the dinner. I will publish more candidate websites in future newsletters.
Keynote Speaker
Russ Vought: https://americarenewing.com
For US Senate
Ted Budd https://tedbudd.com
Marjorie Eastman https://marjoriekeastman.com
Pat McCrory https://www.patmccrory.com
Mark Walker https://walker4nccom/
For US House
Lee Haywood https://leehaywood.com/
Craig Kinsey https://kinseyforcongress.com/
For NC Supreme Court
Trey Allen https://www.treyallennc.com
April Wood https://www.judgewoodforjustice.com
Saturday morning with the NCGOP chair
The North Carolina Republican Party Chairman, Michael Whatley, will visit Pittsboro on Saturday morning November 20 at 9am in the Pittsboro Community House (65 Thompson Street). Please join us for coffee and to hear what is the latest news from the State level AND meet with some of our local Republican candidates. I'm looking forward to hearing the State Party's perspective on the upcoming elections.
Some news links
Normally I don't like to republish information, but if you missed these they were particularly interesting:
Why America Needs National Conservatism
Glossary of CRT Terms
Stay Informed!
Political awareness and involvement does not begin and end at the voting booth. It is OUR responsibility to remain informed about the issues impacting our families, our communities, our beliefs, our liberties, and our nation.
Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it.
--Thomas Paine
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