task 3

Greetings to all the members of the board. I am applying to present a talk about the importance of art for the upcoming youth conference, Titled "The role of art in developing empathy for people and groups who live lives that are different to your own". The subject that I would cover in this is how art can help develop empathy for people in different situations. I would focus mainly on real-world examples, such as how bands like Nirvana donated all of their proceeds from concerts to charities an...
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descriptive writing desert

I hear the sound of the rubber rolling on the rough desert terrain. The flaming red sand and desert-scape are the only thing I can see out of my windows for miles. The only thing I can see beyond the rolling desert is the peaks of low mountains, or at least they look low since they're miles away. I fly past a desert shrub, with it's sharp and protruding leaves and edges, which look like they could slice you open like razors. As I hear the hundreds of small stones and debris hit the paint of the ...
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how does fitzgerald use details of a setting and imagery to establish a mood in the opening pages of chapter 2?

Fitzgerald uses details of setting, for example symbolism to establish a drab and gloomy kind of mood. Fitzgerald uses things like "desolate area of land" to try and create an effect on the reader that will make them uncomfortable. In this specific example where Fitzgerald uses the word "desolate" it gives the scene a sense of space and allows it to show the reader the perspective of the mood and the scenery as if they were living in it. Another example is how fitzgerald uses color to bring a se...
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Debate reflection

What's the most interesting thing you learned about any of the topics? How many times graffiti is used as a promotion of hate or used to spread violent images. I also learned that It's main purpose is as a sign of rebellion. What's the one thing you learned about rational argument? I learned that connecting things to vices is actually a strategy used in debating and not just something I did to convince my parents they were being irrational. what was the biggest challenge for you? When Mr. Car...
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descriptive writing

In the image given to us we can see steps that rise into the heavens. The vast array of details in the steps colors can only mean that the aging process must have taken millennia. the beautiful spiral was so perfect, yet imperfect. The stunning fauna around this ancient area was truly breathtaking; you could see the age of the ruins just through the trees that were standing around them. They were just like any other trees, yet they gave off a sense of purpose and stood there with meaning. toweri...
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donkey descriptive writing

Standing in the foreground of this picture is a donkey. The donkey looks uneasy, almost as if its not comfortable being where it finds itself; in the midst of slippery terrain high up in the mountains. The harsh sun beating down on the dark, heat absorbent coat of the donkey is taking a toll, and the only relief that the poor creature has is the huge amount of cargo on its back providing what little protection from the sun that it does. The donkey knows what his purpose is. His utter exhaustion ...
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touching the void chapter 4 close reading analysis

question: how is Simpson's use of the imagery in chapter 4 effective in creating an empathetic/sympathetic response from the reader Topic personal connection to text imagery--> tragedy explore examples discuss examples conclude/transition When Simpson describes the deaths of the two Japanese climbers, he uses the image of them flailing their arms, which is easy to relate to because it's depicting human behavior. For example, when the first climber falls, Simpson describes him as fal...
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quick write

Michelle became aware of her special power when she flicked the switch to the broken basement light, out of habit, and the light went on. She didn't realize it at first until she went down into the basement and saw the light bulb sitting on the ground, below the socket. She looked up at the empty socket only to see wild, blinding sparks of electricity coming from the dark hole. As soon as she realized that there were sparks jumping out at her they stopped. ...
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descriptive writing desert

I hear the sound of the rubber rolling on the rough desert terrain. The flaming red sand and desert-scape are the only thing I can see out of my windows for miles. The only thing I can see beyond the rolling desert is the peaks of low mountains, or at least they look low since they're miles away. I fly past a desert shrub, with it's sharp and protruding leaves and edges, which look like they could slice you open like razors. As I hear the hundreds of small stones and debris hit the paint of the ...
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A rat's tale

I was 6 when my brother John leaned across the kitchen table and casually whispered that he had killed Santa Claus. I stood at the table completely stunned, until I uttered the words "b-but it's mid June...". My brother, completely unaffected by this, says "yes, I know it's June, aside from that, Santa's lifeless blood-soaked corpse is lying in the foyer.". We sit in silence for a moment, I stare into my brother's eyes, shocked, and he looks back at me with this sense of complete disregard and c...
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The crash (beginning)

The whine of a twin-turbo 600 horsepower V8. That's all I hear. Speeding away on a perfect summer's day on an Italian highway in a scarlet red Ferrari California T. The sun is beating down on the car. The road is completely empty. The beautiful rolling Tuscan hills give me the impression as though I am driving through an oil painting of the most incredible landscape you could ever imagine. It's high noon and the harsh, unforgiving sun is drowned out by the whine of the engine, the scenery, and t...
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Chris Yang-first thoughts on global context

What is the nature and purpose of creative expression? To me, creative expression is the ability to express your emotions and thoughts. It's important to have a creative outlet, which could be nearly anything. From creating visual art to express yourself to learning to play an instrument. Without creative expression, we wouldn't know of the concept of talent, because many talents are best shown in creative settings, through art. Artists like The Smiths, Victor Tsoi, or Nirvana are examples of h...
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idiot abroad

analysis: prose extract short questions video extract short questions compare and contrast 350 words after the fall break, we will have 50 mins to do this. The e assessment will give us 40 Outline two ways in which Pilkington gives you a sense of perspective in the first 8 lines of the text? [2 marks] In Karl Pinklington’s An Idiot Abroad,He gives us perspective very quickly, by opening with “The odd thing with china is, they like to go out of their way to do things differently”, w...
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4. Touching the void analysis 1:31:10-1:34:00

From 1:31:10 in the film to 1:31:12, there is no noise. No background music, no narration, or speech. The visual to accompany this sharp, piercing silence is Joe sat alone in an area which the audience knows is vast, and isolated, with fog looming and closing in around him. The eerie silence is then broken by one of Joe's futile attempts to call for help. He screams into the void for Simon, to no avail. At 1:32:00 in the film, it becomes evident to the audience how Joe is beginning to hallucin...
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3. touching the void - analysis on how sound is used

At 1:25:29 in the film, the camera pans to a close-up shot of water glistening off of a rock. The sound that the water makes is relaxing, and calming; giving the audience a sense of relief by showing how Joe's life is saved because of the fact that he found water. We can hear Joe directly slurping water off of the face of the rock, showing how desperate his position is. At 1:25:56 in the film, the camera pans back to the water, peacefully flowing, after having shown the audience how Joe plan...
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touching the void annotation

The passage shows the use of many different feelings and senses, for example, when the narrator says that "Simon is some distance ahead", he is using the sense of vision. later in the text, there is a feeling of awe as they reach the peak of the mountain and look around them. the mood quickly switches to foreboding, as they mention the fact that they have no way to be rescued, and are completely alone, which is also an example of foreshadowing, for when Simon breaks his leg later.this mention of...
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english blog

What caught my interest this year? When I learned the scope of what I could build or do for a personal project, it definitely peaked my interest. I was looking forward to building something I would be happy to use and to learn about, but at the same time have to do something challenging and useful. Throughout the building process, I learned the skills of welding, working with metal, and certain power tools, along with race driving, and the general functions of a go kart. My personal project was...
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