
Middle of this week, my casework seemed insurmountable. Reading, disseminating, communicating and absorbing fears can get exhausting. Something I note, when coming up to leave, the an emotional bottle necks appear on the calendar. "Must get stuff done, clear the decks." This thought process got too much by Thursday.

The sense of feeling "busy" does not sit well with me. I never use the word out loud. I fell back to a core productivity method , find deep work , leave the light threads to later. I picked a big three task, and by Friday all that remained was negotiable threads that can be delegated or rescheduled.

Inbox zero and clear action managers by 4.30pm. I reflected what other factors allowed this outcome. I noticed I didn't take on any new cases or task during duty. My influence on the team does land. When I began this role it was a manic rush to deal with duty inbox. Over the years I explained its better to frame it as a list. As it grows longer it identifies , truthfully, the capacity of the team.

This experience demonstrates that in this work its all about what I tell myself and how I let go of perceptions on how others will see me.

I quipped, "Imagine if pre-holiday case work days could be done all the time" the team laughed "It would kill us, and we would miss out on the banter that keeps us human"

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