Pm tools

Just thought I would share some tools I use when writing important documentation or emails that might upset someone. 1 Hemingway app Make it simple, the easier to read the better. 2 grammarly Check grammar spelling and some tone, not the best suggestions but good as a reference. 3 Goblin tools, The Judge New to me but seems good, gives some reasoning around the tone which is very useful. ...
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Diary Wednesday, 16 Nov 2022

Work from home so decided to take a coffee break outside at a local cafe e.g the garden center. Presently surprised it was good service and decent food... coffee was good untill later that evening when both the wife and I were feeling a little worse for ware. Went to the sister company in the afternoon and had an expensed lunch with a colleague. Spent a good few hours figuring out and trying to wade through inter company politics. I think it's looking good, just focus on him and me working tog...
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Diary Monday, 14 Nov 2022

Day off today and am down in London for a Costume fitting. I'm going to be an extra for a Disney+ production. Man I had to wait and wait and wait. Call time was 10am, arrived late at 10:15am (fog and really bad traffic). Had my hair done in rollers to make it nice and curly, think Georgian-style Dandy. Didn't finish until 5pm, no lunch be well at least I end up getting a full day's wage. ...
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Capsule wardrobe

This is a list of my "not capsule wardrobe" In reality this is a living list of all my clothes (as of today still missing some items) that will be updated over tine. At some point this will, I hope, become a capsule wardrobe. 10+ socks 10+ boxes 5 under shirts 1 indigo / black jeans 1 relaxed jeans 1 natural chino 1 black suit trousers 1 blue suit trousers 1 blue relaxed trouser 1 grey cotton trousers H&m checked suitish trousers 1 pea coat 1 tweed sports coat 1 sports blazer 1 full suit...
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Diary, Friday, Nov 4, 2022

You can get some really good items from free-cycle. Just picked up some off cut tiles, a bit of a mix but some very nice tiles. We are just collecting tiles and building equipment in preparation for when we extend the house. Also off to dinner for my Dad's birthday, haven't got him a present yet so poping to Waitrose to maybe get him some whiskey or something. ...
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Diary Wednesday, Nov 2, 2022

Been a few days since I've updated the diary. Not been up to much just work for the most part. My partner needs to apply for a new job so that is the main focus for today updating her cover letter and CV. Whilst we're at it, I've updated my CV a little (My current job is a list of stuff that the job spec listed) and a new cover letter since I'm going to apply for a freelance role as a stagehand at my local theatre it sounds like it would be alot of fun (and I used to love the theatre when at ...
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Product 2

Lesson Learned Communication is very important I work in a small company with a worldwide footprint. We have customers in 44 countries world wide. We have maybe ~30 people in the company. ~20 Europe ~8 in Asia 2 in the USA This should have indicated to me why communication is so important. Recently I was talking with the Asian team and I mentioned a revamp of some old products and they had no idea what these products were. I was shocked, these products are older than I have been working as ...
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Product 1

Product Management Here is a post I made for Reddit some time ago giving an insight into where I am with Product Management. 3-month update in my first PM role Edit; thank you kind stranger very much appreciated Hello All and sorry about the long post, I just thought it might be good to provide a 3-month update since I started a new job as a Product Manager with no previous experience. The first week was finding my feet within this new position and confirming the priorities for the first 6...
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Diary Monday, 31 Oct, 2022

Halloween, I forgot it was Halloween. Never really been a holiday when I was growing up (only in my early 30's now) but seems to be pretty popular these days. Had a couple of kids take some sweets, but we had to call them over...Didn't realise the children are told to only "Trick or Treat" at houses that have a pumpkin outside. ...
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Diary, Sunday, 30 Oct 2022

Wanted a meatball marinara from subway but it's far too much money...maybe I'm getting old. So I made some today, it was amazing I was shocked how good it was. I need to lose some weight so I'm trying to do the one punch man work out. Going to take a while to get it completed in a day so slowly building up. Did 100 squats in sets of 25. Did 100 pushups in sets of 25, last 25 were so very hard! Thinking I might look into doing some work at the theater, I did some years ago at school and 6th fo...
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Diary, Saturday, 29 Oct 2022

Late to wake again nothing new for a Saturday. Had chips and steak for a late dinner then spent a few hours holding the hairdryer for my wife. Picked up by my parents to go to the theater... Noises off It was very good but think I've seen it before in London and it was better in London but that's to be expected, still very very good. As an added extra saw John Major, former pm. ...
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Diary, Friday October 28 2022

Made a simple test page in listed. Thinking about starting a diary/journal inside of listed. This is a test to see if the listed place works with tags? ...
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Test Blog posr

This is a test blog post. Using this to see how Listed works with OneNote ...
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