Angels have "seed" and they can use it

In Genesis 6 it says that the sons of God took women as wives and giant (nephilim) children.

This begs the question: "Wait... can angels reproduce?"

The passage 1st Corinthians 15:38-41 makes the following claims:

  • For every body there is a physical and a spiritual aspect
  • Every type of body (creature) has its assigned "seed" (gene, semen, DNA)
  • God assigned each seed to each type of body and created them to be separate
  • The glory of heavenly bodies differ from earthly ones
  • Heavenly glories differ from each other (sun, moon, and individual stars)

If everything that has a body has an assigned seed by God, then heavenly bodies have their own seed.

"But what about Luke 20:34-36? Jesus says that humans can't marry in heaven because angels don't marry!"

That is simply not true.

Luke 20:34-36 quotes Jesus answering the question of Sadducees.

They ask if a woman has multiple husbands in life (each dying before she remarries) then who is her husband when she is resurrected (in heaven).
Jesus replies with a famous few verses that people often misunderstand.

Jesus starts by pointing out that not everyone gets to heaven, and that those who do will not marry and are not given in marriage.
He then says why: "for they cannot even die anymore, because they are like angels, and are sons of God" (Luke 20:36 NASB).
The commas are placed there for a reason. He says that they cannot die because they are like angels. Not that they cannot marry because they are like angels.
Regardless people use this verse to "prove" that angels cannot marry and cannot have sex.

Firstly, it clearly does not say that. It says that angels cannot die. The implication is: if we do not marry in heaven because we live forever and angels live forever as well, then they do not marry either. That logic is accurate, but there is a big difference between DO NOT and CANNOT. They clearly can because they do so with human women in Genesis 6. This was, however, a grave sin and God punished them for it (Jude 1:6-7, 2nd Peter 2:4-6).

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