Note 25

Hello internet. I'm currently at school. With everyone having returned onto campus, it's definitely different from last year. I'd like to cautiously say that it makes the school better, but the negatives definitely outweigh the positives. I'm still looking to transfer schools, but I'll actually be looking to attend reasonable universities with higher acceptance rates for transfers. Currently the list is Northwestern, USC, Vanderbilt, and possibly WashU but holy god that school is so boring. Apologies if any of you went to WashU but their website actually just puts me to sleep. In any case, these schools are reputable and have higher acceptance rates for transfers. I'll also be looking at my state school since its computer science department is quite good (i can suffer for 2 years, it's fine).

In terms of cs, I've decided to pursue AI/Machine Learning and Cybersecurity. I think these two fields interest me the most. I'll probably put more focus towards AI and cybersecurity as a hobby purely from an income perspective since I don't think I'll be able to delve deep enough into security for me to be making an "equivalent" amount to AI when accounting for work put in. I have a tentative plan for this year to boost my application so hopefully I'll end up with better results this time around.

I wasn't going to say that plan but fuck it, most people on here seem to be working adults. I'm planning on cold emailing a bunch of AI professors (preferably working in NLP at UCSD). Hopefully one of them is nice enough to let me work on the grunt work at their lab. That'll be a really nice boost on my application plus for internship applications. I'll also be looking to do project teams with the AI student group on campus, hopefully for both fall and winter quarters which should be a significant boost on my application if we produce something meaningful. This coupled with my classwork should be enough to keep me busy even if I'm suffering a bit.

I should probably try to write more and spill my thoughts when I'm busy in order to remind myself of my goals and what I hope to achieve. Although whenever I say that it never happens huh. Well, enjoy the 2 for 1 this month!

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