No Ego - Happiness

Saturday, 7 Oct 2023

Oh my God, I just finished a call with my supervisor, and she was so upset. She was so angry at me for something I just said to her. But then, for some reason, like, I don't know how I managed it, I managed to diffuse the situation nicely because I used all the principles that I have learned and read from this book, actually. I don't know if you've heard of 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' by Dale Carnegie, but it worked beautifully. So usually when someone's angry at you, when you get yelled at, your mood would worsen. Yeah, at least in my case, in my experience, if someone's yelling at me or someone's upset and angry with me, I would be down for the rest of the day. But with the help of the principles that I learned in this book, somehow I managed to calm her down.

Yeah, everything is running well, and the conversation was gradually getting better. There's no hint of condescension, no hint of anger anymore towards the end of the conversation. It's about an hour-long conversation. But everything, like what I did specifically, is I apologized because sometimes, you know, men with their egos, and personally, I'm quite big on my ego, but I decided to put that aside and just apologize for this and that. And then she immediately calmed down. So, I didn't know that just apologizing to someone could make such a huge difference. Because, you know, if I hadn't done that, I would be replaying that conversation over and over again, and there would be some bad thoughts chiming in, like what I could have done differently.

Oh yeah, I feel calmed down, weirdly enough. Apologizing calmed both of us down like I never would have felt like this if I hadn't apologized. It diffused the situation, benefiting both parties. I'm really, really proud of myself. So, other than that, hopefully, I will not let my emotions get the best of me (sometimes). It's okay because I'm quite an emotionally-driven person. The fact that I don't follow my emotions this time around, maybe the future will hold something better. Everything seems brighter for not following my emotions, so maybe I should do that more. InsyaAllah, hopefully. So yeah, make du'a for me and InsyaAllah we'll talk again later. I think this is the third video I've recorded in a day, so yeah, probably I have to post all of this.

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