Lesson 49 (Beginner 3B Lesson 1): Wake-Up Call

My sense that my grasp of the language was slipping was true, though I'd ignored it for longer than I'd like to admit.

We did the Quizlet this lesson and boy, oh, boy, it was fantastic in showing me all the gaps in my knowledge. The problem is due to the way I added all the new Memrise-imported decks straight into my main "Everything" deck. That ended up with those cards being prioritised over the Korean cards that I had added, usually in a subdeck when I'm doing that chapter, before being merged to the parent deck once that chapter is over (and all the words have been learnt).

I've since fixed/temporarily solved the problem by creating another parent deck and putting the old "Everything" deck under that, and making sure the Korean deck for the chapter is before that one. I've started also revising with Quizlet as I think the next test is as near as 2 weeks away.

This is probably the second or third wake-up call. I guess I am bound to have one before every test at the least.


3. V-아/어 주다

This is used to indicate when the subject of a sentences does something or offers a service to someone else.

주다 by itself means "to give", so it's as though someone is giving you something by completing a certain action.

Conjugation-wise, conjugate to the informal polite, drop the polite 요, and then attach the appropriate conjugated form of 주다.

Most of the examples that we saw are with 주세요 as you are requesting a favour from someone.


  1. 사진 좀 찍어 주세요. = Please take a photo for me.
  2. 도와주세요. = Help me.
    • This is verb special, in that there is no space between the verb and 주다.
  3. 요즘 나나 씨가 중국어를 가르쳐 줘요. = These days Nana is teaching me Chinese. (Present informal polite)
  4. 어머니가 책을 읽어 줬어요. Mother read the book to me. (Past informal polite)

4. N(으)로 + 가다/오다

This is used to indicate the direction of movement. It is translated as "to" or "towards" and is used with 가다 or 오다 (to go and to come respectively).

You add 로 if there is no Batchim (or if the Batchim is ㄹ) and 으로 whenever there is Batchim.

(If I'm not mistaken, this ㄹ rule existed for some of the other grammars that we've learned, but those were attaching after verbs, not nouns, and there aren't many verbs we've seen that end with ㄹ, which is probably why this is the first time this is highlighted.)

You can attach it to directions and places.


  • 이쪽으로 (this way)
  • 왼쪽오로 (to the left)
  • 1층오로 (to the 1st floor)
  • (up)
  • 교실 (towards the classroom)

Then what is the difference between N(으)로 가다 and N에 가다?

The former has a focus on the direction, while the latter focuses on the destination. While you can use places with both expressions, you cannot use a direction with N에 가다 in most cases because it is not the final destination:

  • 오른쪽으로 가세요. (O)
  • 오른쪽에 가세요. (X) - Because the right side is not the final destination.


Korean English Notes
켜다 to switch on; to turn on e.g. electric appliances such as air conditioner, TV, radio, and lights
끄다 to switch off; to turn off
초대장 invitation card
초대 invitation
왼쪽 left side
오른쪽 right side
1층 1st floor [일층]
지하1층 Basement 1
택시 기사 taxi driver

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