Lesson 71 (Intermediate 1B Lesson 1): I wish I had more time

We completed the third and last grammar point for this lesson in the handout. After completing the handout, we did the video sheet, and then the textbook.

For the video sheet, we did not do breakout rooms to read the dialogue this time. I also think we only heard the audio and did not view the accompanying video. (It's clearly from the same sources as the video sheets from previous chapters, so I'm sure there's a video.)

For the textbook, we stopped just before Speaking 2. So we covered Speaking 1 (both exercises) and all the grammar in the textbook.

Speaking of the textbook, I realise I bent it from keeping it on my small table for too long and had stuff piled over it. It's a lesson to get this done and keep the textbook away. (But it's not just this post, but also the homework. I now have the writing for both Chapter 3 and 4 to do...)

It's confirmed that the test is 2 lessons from now. It would have been 2 weeks, but... it's almost time for the next lesson.

Next lesson, we will finish up with the textbook, and then do the revision.

Honestly, I hestitate to call this lesson Intermediate 1B Lesson 1 because the test is for Intermediate 1. I take that to mean that after the test, we are considered to be in Intermediate 2. I know "officially" (on the school's website) there are 2 terms for each level (A & B) but it seems to be fewer in practice.

For one of the students (the girl who joined) it's the first time she's taking the test.

On a rather random note, it's a new financial year and I can start to claim for my course again.


3. A/V-았/었으면 좋겠다

This is used to express a speaker's hope or desire.

The 으면 part should look familiar... and indeed it carries the meaning of "if".

The translation of a sentence like this can be thought of as "if the situation is like that, it would be good".


  1. 마음에 들었으면 좋겠어요. (I hope you like it.)
    • When you give someone a present, and you say that you hope that they like it.
  2. 집이 학교에서 너무 멀어요. 수업이 온라인이었으면 좋겠어요. (My house is too far from school. I wish the class was online.)
    • The verb here is 이다, past tense forms are 이었어요/였어요.
  3. 이번 주에 시험이 있어요. 공부할 시간이 더 있었으면 좋겠어요. (I have a test this week. I wish I had more time to study.)
  4. 내년에는 마스크를 안 썼으면 좋겠어요. (I wish that we don't have to wear masks next year.)
  5. 내년에는 코로나가 끝났으면 좋겠어요. (I wish that the Coronavirus situation is over next year.)

A/V-았/었으면 좋겠다 vs. A/V-으면 좋겠다

In the handout, it states that A/V-았/었으면 좋겠다 is used when something is less possible or most likely will not happen.

Using the past tense form, the speaker is speaking about a hypothetical situation, which is in contrast to the reality (e.g. having a lot of money compared with the reality not having a lot of money). Thus, it puts more emphasis on the wish, and generally indicates a kind of "stronger" wish.

I guess it's kind of like the difference between "I wish I have a lot of money" (돈이 많으면 좋겠어요) and "I wish I had a lot of money" (돈이 많았으면 좋겠어요). In English you also use the past tense for something that is like likely to happen in reality.

On the other hand, A/V-으면 좋겠다 is more of a "simple" wish. It's not wrong to use it.

However, the past tense form is more common.

HowToStudyKorean does delve into this topic.

Additional Usage Notes

  1. When talking to yourself, you would use 좋겠다.
    • Example: 여자 친구가 생겼으면 좋겠다. (I wish I had a girlfriend.)
  2. On social media, you might see in many cases where the 좋겠어요 part omitted in posts.
    • Example: 해외여행을 갔으면... (I wish I could go on an overseas trip.)


Korean English Notes
여자 친구가 생기다 to have a girlfriend 생기다 = 있다, but it is used for things that you newly have. Meaning that in the past, you didn't have it.
디자인 design 디자인이 정말 예뻐요.
내용 content
외롭다 to be lonely 외로운 사람 = a lonely person
옷값 price of clothes 옷값이 어때요? 좀 비싼 것 같아요.
나비넥타이 bow tie 나비 = butterfly
빨간 치마 red skirt
파란색 티셔츠 blue (coloured) shirt HowToStudyKorean explains the difference. Adding 색 makes it into a noun. By right, there should be a 의 after the 색, but it is more commonly omitted.
밤을 새다 to stay up all night
병이 나다 to fall sick
소망 wish 所望
정착하다 to settle down
partner; mate 종국이가 빨리 짝을 찾아 정착했으면 좋겠어.
변하지 않다 to remain unchanged
변함 change 지금처럼 변함없이 또 만나자. (Let's meet again without change like now.)


  • Students: 6
  • Breakout room activities: Yes, random-ish pairs. (2 out of 3 activities I got the same partner.)

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