Lesson 110 (Pre-Advance 1 Lesson 8)

We covered the rest of the grammar points in the handout, and then started on the book. Not everything was gone through in detail, we skipped the first part which was vocab, and went to grammar review. We covered the two speaking dialogues.

The main thing would probably be the grammar points.


3A Chapter 1

2. V-아야겠다/어야겠다

This is used to show the speaker’s strong determination of doing something which they think should be done.

It is a combination of the 아야/어야/해야 (should do something) and 겠 for the first person subject (to convey strong intention).


ㅏ,ㅗ O + -아야겠다 ㅏ,ㅗ X + -어야겠다 하다 → 해야겠다
사다 → 사야겠다 새우다 → 새워야겠다 예매하다 → 예매해야겠다


  1. 날씨가 추워요. 따뜻한 옷을 사야겠어요. (The weather is cold. I guess I should buy some warm clothes.)
  2. 살이 많이 쪘어요. 운동을 시작해야겠어요. (I have gained a lot of weight. I’ll have to start exercising.)
  3. 숙제가 너무 많아서 오늘은 밤을 새워야겠어요. (I have so much homework so I have to stay up all night tonight.)

3. A-대요, V-는/ㄴ대요, N(이)래요

This is used to deliver other people’s words in an informal setting.

대요 is the short form of 다고 해요 and 래요 is the short form of 라고 해요 that was covered in the last lesson.


-다고 하다/-(이)라고 하다 -대요/-(이)래요 받침 X 받침 O
A -다고 하다 -대요 크다 → 크대요 작다 → 작대요
V -(느)ㄴ다고 하다 -(느)ㄴ대요 가다 → 간대요 먹다 → 먹는대요
N -(이)라고 하다 -(이)래요 친구 → 친구래요 책 → 책이래요


Original Statement Indirect Speech
“시간이 없어요.” 시간이 없대요.
“오늘 야근해요.” 오늘 야근한대요.
“한국에 갈 거예요.” 한국에 갈 거래요.
“친구예요.” 친구래요.


Korean English Notes
대청소를 하다 to spring clean
마중 나가다 to fetch, go and meet 공항으로 마중나갈 거예요.
비타민이 들어 있다 to contain vitamins
회식 staff dinner
언어학을 전공하다 to major in linguistics
북쪽 지방 northern district, latitude I forgot the context this was found in.


  • 3A Chapter 1 Worksheet, p. 23, 26 and 27
  • 3A Chapter 1 Quizlet Sentence set


  • Date: Jan 29
  • Students: 9 out of 11
  • Breakout room activities: Yes, random

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