beach day

Today was unexpectedly pleasant. Lined up some fun for the next 3 months, went to the beach, basked in the sun, listened to some pretty music and skipped some excellent rocks near a curious cat on a leash. Some miscellaneous reflections and intentions:

  1. Life is what it is and will be. I don't know for sure what follows after the death of this body, all I have are deductions and hearsay. I don't really know what anything is, all I have are descriptors and patterns. As far as I can reasonably gather, the same is the case for every human currently or formerly living. All definitions and deities are more likely symbols referring to processes which can be observed or inferred. They're more representative than literal. God represents something. Buddha represents something. Christ represents something. Humans represent something. Chairs represent something. I represent something. There are no definite distinctions to be found anywhere. Everything is in perpetual transition and exchange. Life is happening, beginninglessly and endlessly. I am happening, centerlessly and boundlessly.

  2. There's nothing in existence that's inherently more or less valuable or worthy than anything else. Everything has its relative functions. Every being has its particular inclinations, interests and strengths along with its particular aversions, distastes and weaknesses. I will therefore not compare myself or others. If I'm drawn towards and suited for certain things and not others, I will follow that and trust that it indicates the unique elements of my nature emerging and engaging with life in their own unique ways. If others are drawn towards and suited for other things, I will respect that and trust that it indicates the unique elements of their natures emerging and engaging with life in their own unique ways. I will allow myself to find what's of value and interest to me and leave others to do the same. When mutually desirable and resonant, I will be open to engagement with others. When not mutually desirable and resonant, I will remain uninvolved. Life is overflowing with options so there will always be those to explore which are mutually favorable, including periods of separation and solitude. I do not need to alter and align my beliefs, behaviors and values with those of others to engage or collaborate, nor do I need others to. I can be as I am and allow others to be as they are and we can still enjoy and benefit each other before parting ways once more.

  3. As much as possible, I will engage without attachment or possession. I will enjoy what I have without claiming anyone or anything as essentially mine, nor will I encourage others to possess me. I will respect my individuality and freedom and that of whoever I encounter. I will accept the fundamental transience of situations, relationships and things. If others develop an attachment towards me, I will remain compassionately detached and continue looking inward for guidance regardless of desires, assumptions and expectations on their part. When things come into my experience, I will let them come. When they leave, I will let them go. If I or others struggle with this, I will see even the resistance as a natural part of the human experience. I will not seek perfection or imperturbability. I will accept the full range of my and others' humanity, including our foolishness and vulnerability. As much as possible, I will not resist or recoil from feelings or situations that arise. I will see them all as natural, inevitable and essentially neutral elements which carry the potential to add to the dynamism, vibrancy and fullness of the human experience. I will embrace the experiencing of conflict, pain and loss as inherent to living. I will not seek to be in a constant state of elation or placidity but practice finding enjoyment or value even in discomfort, tension and uncertainty.

  4. I will not join in the pursuit of excessive acquisition, pleasure, power, security, attention or validation. I will not seek to become someone or something special in the eyes of others. I will move through life in my own way and accept that my choices and behaviors may appear strange, baffling or foolish to others. I will not expect anyone to understand, like or agree with me. I will be as I am and let others be as they are. I will keep in mind that no matter what any of us thinks, one day soon we will each die. I will ensure that my needs are met without reducing life to a series of reluctant obligations and compensatory addictions. I will prioritize relaxation and engagement with what's of interest, enjoyment and value to me. Whenever possible, I will accept what I want and decline what I don't.

  5. I will not try to fix, change or save others or the world. I will not engage with situations and events according to the dictates, preferences and expectations of other people, movements or networks. I will contend with what's immediate and available to me and allow the world beyond my scope to unfold without attachment to outcomes that seem preferable based on the limited and unverifiable information I receive. I will accept the limitations of my perception, energy, time and influence. I will accept the limitations of others and the conditions of life as it is rather than striving or wishing for perfectionistic ideals. I will live my life and let others live theirs, keeping in mind that no matter what I or others may want, change, conflict, destruction, pain and death are intrinsic to life. I will practice humility and recognize that neither I nor others ultimately know what's best nor what the unintended outcomes of any act will be, no matter how well intended. I will accept the presence of all kinds of situations and people in life, including those I dislike or lament. I will accept life as it is rather than wishing that it be made in my preferred image. I will contend with circumstances as they arise rather than being preoccupied or frightened by hypothetical scenarios. I will keep in mind that no matter what I do, death is certain for all and may come at any time and in any number of forms which I can't anticipate or prepare for. I will accept that others will have their own views, values and priorities and I will respect their freedom to respond to life as they will. I will direct my attention to areas of life which are tangibly within my range and access. I will appreciate and enjoy what's available to me without lamenting what isn't.

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