20190529 Traveling to Spain.
May 30, 2019•756 words
0530 I'm in a good but not good mood as I wake up (at 0530am bloody hell that's early). I'm in a great mood as I fly to Spain. The weather looks amazing and I can't wait for some chill out time. I'm also a big pissed off as I times it so I'll miss the Europa League Final. That's a real shame as it would have been really nice way to start off the holiday. Instead I'll be negotiating Alicante airport, picking up a hire car and driving an hour north. Only to get to the villa as the match ends and see everyone allready pissed and in holiday mode. Totally messed that one up. Oh well, can't complain. Chelsea will probably lose the thing anyway.
Plan to be out of here at 14.30 and get to Bristol airport at 15.30 and a flight at 18.00. Land at 21.30. Grab the car and go to villa. I've loaded we go here app with offline Spanish maps so all should be good. The car I've rented is the cheapest possible so I expect it will be tiny.
0830 At work again. Feeling pretty enthusiastic about work today, but that's probably because I'm going on holiday later. Still it's good to get things fired up before I go. The only problem with that is I'll probably get a load of responses to the stuff that I kick off, so will probably have to take my laptop on holiday after all. Mainly to book a trip to Singapore, hopefully. It's quite nice working at the in-laws for a couple of reasons. 1. I get to hide myself away on my laptop and be less sociable ;) 2. There are way fewer distraction on getting stuff done. I just love a change of scene. I really like getting a clearer mind when in new environments.
1400 on the road to Bristol. A pretty uneventful journey. Got to the airport with plenty of time. Was absolutely pissing it down today though, glad to be leaving the country for sunny climes. The check-in was a bit of a ball ache. It always is when Ryanair is involved. Still got the job done and through to the lounge. Got well and truly fleeced on a few drinks in the pricey lounge. £22 for two pints and a gin and tonic. Bollocks to that, then a load of food to take on the plane. Another £20 down. I'll probably just get the lounge next time especially if I'm not driving and I can sink a few more beers.
Got on the plane. Pretty much the last ones on. There was a 30 minute delay due to some screwup on the number of bags in the hold. One extra cos some guy had scanned a bag on his mates boarding pass or something. So they had to offload the bags till they found it and got it back on. All good though sorted and ready to fly. Got a row to ourselves so that's cool. The plane has a load of pissed scousers on it. Clearly making their way to Madrid for the champions League final. Scousers really are one of a kind. I'm not a fan, all tattoos and aggression. On the right side of them and you have a mate for life. On the wrong side and and they'd head butt you. Rekon you'd wanna fight alongside them in the British Army though.
If all goes to plan should land at 2200. That won't be too bad. Glad I went for the hire car that was open later though, otherwise we could have been stuffed. Sensible to check opening times. Spain being an hour ahead, I shouldn't be too zapped on this drive.
0000 arrived at the villa after an hour drive in the dark. Was ok though as the roads were mainly clear. Got shafted on the hire car. Told us we couldn't fit our luggage in the small two seater. Another 60 euros later and we are off in a fiat 500. There was a scuff on the bumper recon they will try it on with that. I took a photo, but it will be in the back of my mind all holiday.
Anyway the villa seems nice and our room seems decent. Not much of a view, but it's clean and comfy and will do us for a place to crash. Hopefully a bit of sunshine tomorrow! Oh and Chelsea won the final 4-1 happy days!