Day 002
March 28, 2021•234 words
Decided to add some more details to help me create the writing habit.
First I chose a time of the day to start writing, and set an alarm to remind me that the time for writing has arrived.
Another thing I also did, was to set a timebox to write. Maximum 20 minutes, at least for now. If more is needed, then a small increase can be made. No more than 30 minutes, though.
Timeboxing is also good to help me avoid entering the writing tunnel and loose track of time. Of course I consider losing track of time as a very good sign.
Another decision I made regarding the challenge is that if the challenge brings me its magic, I'll enter it again in a second round, maybe in a different blog, and with different topics. Avoiding repetition can be a nice little extra to the challenge, haha. But I'm still considering it, not yet sure.
The most important take from this challenge, at least from what I'd expect it to be, is to help create a writing habit. I always liked to take notes about stuff, but haven't made it consistently for a long time. So I want to come back to it, and build some consistency.
So far, I'm enjoying the experience. And am glad to have found this platform.
A very good match :)
See you tomorrow \o